2024-10-23 09:14:01 +08:00
using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
using UnityEditor ;
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEngine.Rendering ;
using LitJson ;
using UnityEditor.Build ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Net ;
using static WeChatWASM . LifeCycleEvent ;
namespace WeChatWASM
public class WXConvertCore
static WXConvertCore ( )
public static void Init ( )
SDKFilePath = Path . Combine ( UnityUtil . GetWxSDKRootPath ( ) , "Runtime" , "wechat-default" , "unity-sdk" , "index.js" ) ;
string templateHeader = "PROJECT:" ;
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . threadsSupport = false ;
PlayerSettings . runInBackground = false ;
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . compressionFormat = WeixinMiniGameCompressionFormat . Disabled ;
if ( UnityUtil . GetEngineVersion ( ) = = UnityUtil . EngineVersion . Tuanjie )
var absolutePath = Path . GetFullPath ( "Packages/com.qq.weixin.minigame/WebGLTemplates/WXTemplate2022TJ" ) ;
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . template = $"PATH:{absolutePath}" ;
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . template = $"{templateHeader}WXTemplate2022TJ" ;
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . linkerTarget = WeixinMiniGameLinkerTarget . Wasm ;
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . dataCaching = false ;
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . debugSymbolMode = WeixinMiniGameDebugSymbolMode . External ;
PlayerSettings . WebGL . threadsSupport = false ;
PlayerSettings . runInBackground = false ;
PlayerSettings . WebGL . compressionFormat = WebGLCompressionFormat . Disabled ;
#if UNITY_2022_3_OR_NEWER
PlayerSettings . WebGL . template = $"{templateHeader}WXTemplate2022" ;
#elif UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
PlayerSettings . WebGL . template = $"{templateHeader}WXTemplate2020" ;
PlayerSettings . WebGL . template = $"{templateHeader}WXTemplate" ;
PlayerSettings . WebGL . linkerTarget = WebGLLinkerTarget . Wasm ;
PlayerSettings . WebGL . dataCaching = false ;
#if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
PlayerSettings . WebGL . debugSymbolMode = WebGLDebugSymbolMode . External ;
PlayerSettings . WebGL . debugSymbols = true ;
public enum WXExportError
public static WXEditorScriptObject config = > UnityUtil . GetEditorConf ( ) ;
public static string webglDir = "webgl" ; // 导出的webgl目录
public static string miniGameDir = "minigame" ; // 生成小游戏的目录
public static string audioDir = "Assets" ; // 音频资源目录
public static string frameworkDir = "framework" ;
public static string dataFileSize = string . Empty ;
public static string codeMd5 = string . Empty ;
public static string dataMd5 = string . Empty ;
private static string SDKFilePath = string . Empty ;
public static string defaultImgSrc = "Assets/WX-WASM-SDK-V2/Runtime/wechat-default/images/background.jpg" ;
private static bool lastBrotliType = false ;
public static bool UseIL2CPP
return PlayerSettings . GetScriptingBackend ( BuildTargetGroup . WeixinMiniGame ) = = ScriptingImplementation . IL2CPP ;
return true ;
// 可以调用这个来集成
public static WXExportError DoExport ( bool buildWebGL = true )
LifeCycleEvent . Init ( ) ;
Emit ( LifeCycle . beforeExport ) ;
if ( ! CheckSDK ( ) )
Debug . LogError ( "若游戏曾使用旧版本微信SDK, 需删除 Assets/WX-WASM-SDK 文件夹后再导入最新工具包。" ) ;
return WXExportError . BUILD_WEBGL_FAILED ;
if ( ! CheckBuildTemplate ( ) )
Debug . LogError ( "因构建模板检查失败终止导出。" ) ;
return WXExportError . BUILD_WEBGL_FAILED ;
2024-10-25 18:09:59 +08:00
if ( CheckInvalidPerfIntegration ( ) )
Debug . LogError ( "性能分析工具只能用于Development Build, 终止导出! " ) ;
return WXExportError . BUILD_WEBGL_FAILED ;
2024-10-23 09:14:01 +08:00
CheckBuildTarget ( ) ;
Init ( ) ;
2024-10-25 18:09:59 +08:00
ProcessWxPerfBinaries ( ) ;
2024-10-23 09:14:01 +08:00
// JSLib
SettingWXTextureMinJSLib ( ) ;
UpdateGraphicAPI ( ) ;
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( config ) ;
AssetDatabase . SaveAssets ( ) ;
// 记录上次导出的brotliType
var filePath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "unity-namespace.js" ) ;
string content = string . Empty ;
if ( File . Exists ( filePath ) )
content = File . ReadAllText ( filePath , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
Regex regex = new Regex ( "brotliMT\\s*:\\s*(true|false)" , RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
Match match = regex . Match ( content ) ;
if ( match . Success )
lastBrotliType = match . Groups [ 1 ] . Value = = "true" ;
if ( config . ProjectConf . DST = = string . Empty )
Debug . LogError ( "请先配置游戏导出路径" ) ;
return WXExportError . BUILD_WEBGL_FAILED ;
// 仅删除StreamingAssets目录
if ( config . CompileOptions . DeleteStreamingAssets )
UnityUtil . DelectDir ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir + "/StreamingAssets" ) ) ;
if ( buildWebGL & & Build ( ) ! = 0 )
return WXExportError . BUILD_WEBGL_FAILED ;
if ( WXExtEnvDef . GETDEF ( "UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER" ) & & ! config . CompileOptions . DevelopBuild )
// 如果是2021版本, 官方symbols产生有BUG, 这里需要用工具将函数名提取出来
var symFile1 = "" ;
if ( ! UseIL2CPP )
symFile1 = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Code" , "wwwroot" , "_framework" , "dotnet.native.js.symbols" ) ;
var rootPath = Directory . GetParent ( Application . dataPath ) . FullName ;
string webglDir = WXExtEnvDef . GETDEF ( "WEIXINMINIGAME" ) ? "WeixinMiniGame" : "WebGL" ;
symFile1 = Path . Combine ( rootPath , "Library" , "Bee" , "artifacts" , webglDir , "build" , "debug_WebGL_wasm" , "build.js.symbols" ) ;
WeChatWASM . UnityUtil . preprocessSymbols ( symFile1 , GetWebGLSymbolPath ( ) ) ;
// WeChatWASM.UnityUtil.preprocessSymbols(GetWebGLSymbolPath());
ConvertCode ( ) ;
if ( ! UseIL2CPP )
ConvertDotnetCode ( ) ;
string dataFilePath = GetWebGLDataPath ( ) ;
string wxTextDataDir = WXAssetsTextTools . GetTextMinDataDir ( ) ;
string dataFilePathBackupDir = $"{wxTextDataDir}{WXAssetsTextTools.DS}slim" ;
string dataFilePathBackupPath = $"{dataFilePathBackupDir}{WXAssetsTextTools.DS}backup.txt" ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( dataFilePathBackupDir ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( dataFilePathBackupDir ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( dataFilePathBackupPath ) )
File . Delete ( dataFilePathBackupPath ) ;
File . Copy ( dataFilePath , dataFilePathBackupPath ) ;
if ( UnityUtil . GetEngineVersion ( ) = = 0 & & config . CompileOptions . fbslim & & ! IsInstantGameAutoStreaming ( ) )
WXAssetsTextTools . FirstBundleSlim ( dataFilePath , ( result , info ) = >
if ( ! result )
Debug . LogWarning ( "[首资源包跳过优化]:因处理失败自动跳过" + info ) ;
finishExport ( ) ;
} ) ;
finishExport ( ) ;
return WXExportError . SUCCEED ;
2024-10-25 18:09:59 +08:00
private static void ProcessWxPerfBinaries ( )
string [ ] wxPerfPlugins ;
string DS = WXAssetsTextTools . DS ;
if ( UnityUtil . GetSDKMode ( ) = = UnityUtil . SDKMode . Package )
wxPerfPlugins = new string [ ]
$"Packages{DS}com.qq.weixin.minigame{DS}Runtime{DS}Plugins{DS}WxPerfJsBridge.jslib" ,
$"Packages{DS}com.qq.weixin.minigame{DS}Runtime{DS}Plugins{DS}wx_perf_2022.a" ,
$"Packages{DS}com.qq.weixin.minigame{DS}Runtime{DS}Plugins{DS}wx_perf_2021.a" ,
} ;
string jsLibRootDir = $"Assets{DS}WX-WASM-SDK-V2{DS}Runtime{DS}Plugins{DS}" ;
// 下方顺序不可变动
wxPerfPlugins = new string [ ]
$"{jsLibRootDir}WxPerfJsBridge.jslib" ,
$"{jsLibRootDir}wx_perf_2022.a" ,
$"{jsLibRootDir}wx_perf_2021.a" ,
} ;
// WxPerfJsBridge.jslib
var wxPerfJSBridgeImporter = AssetImporter . GetAtPath ( wxPerfPlugins [ 0 ] ) as PluginImporter ;
wxPerfJSBridgeImporter . SetCompatibleWithPlatform ( BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame , config . CompileOptions . enablePerfAnalysis ) ;
wxPerfJSBridgeImporter . SetCompatibleWithPlatform ( BuildTarget . WebGL , config . CompileOptions . enablePerfAnalysis ) ;
// wx_perf_2022.a
bool bShouldEnablePerf2022Plugin = config . CompileOptions . enablePerfAnalysis & & IsCompatibleWithUnity202203OrNewer ( ) ;
var wxPerf2022Importer = AssetImporter . GetAtPath ( wxPerfPlugins [ 1 ] ) as PluginImporter ;
wxPerf2022Importer . SetCompatibleWithPlatform ( BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame , bShouldEnablePerf2022Plugin ) ;
wxPerf2022Importer . SetCompatibleWithPlatform ( BuildTarget . WebGL , bShouldEnablePerf2022Plugin ) ;
// wx_perf_2021.a
bool bShouldEnablePerf2021Plugin = config . CompileOptions . enablePerfAnalysis & & IsCompatibleWithUnity202103To202203 ( ) ;
var wxPerf2021Importer = AssetImporter . GetAtPath ( wxPerfPlugins [ 2 ] ) as PluginImporter ;
wxPerf2021Importer . SetCompatibleWithPlatform ( BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame , bShouldEnablePerf2021Plugin ) ;
wxPerf2021Importer . SetCompatibleWithPlatform ( BuildTarget . WebGL , bShouldEnablePerf2021Plugin ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < wxPerfPlugins . Length ; i + + )
var importer = AssetImporter . GetAtPath ( wxPerfPlugins [ i ] ) as PluginImporter ;
importer . SaveAndReimport ( ) ;
AssetDatabase . WriteImportSettingsIfDirty ( wxPerfPlugins [ i ] ) ;
AssetDatabase . Refresh ( ) ;
private static bool IsCompatibleWithUnity202203OrNewer ( )
#if UNITY_2022_3_OR_NEWER
return true ;
return false ;
static bool IsCompatibleWithUnity202103To202203 ( )
#if UNITY_2022_3_OR_NEWER
return false ;
#if ! UNITY_2021_3_OR_NEWER
return false ;
return true ;
2024-10-23 09:14:01 +08:00
private static void CheckBuildTarget ( )
Emit ( LifeCycle . beforeSwitchActiveBuildTarget ) ;
if ( UnityUtil . GetEngineVersion ( ) = = UnityUtil . EngineVersion . Unity )
EditorUserBuildSettings . SwitchActiveBuildTarget ( BuildTargetGroup . WebGL , BuildTarget . WebGL ) ;
EditorUserBuildSettings . SwitchActiveBuildTarget ( BuildTargetGroup . WeixinMiniGame , BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame ) ;
Emit ( LifeCycle . afterSwitchActiveBuildTarget ) ;
public static void UpdateGraphicAPI ( )
GraphicsDeviceType [ ] targets = new GraphicsDeviceType [ ] { } ;
PlayerSettings . SetUseDefaultGraphicsAPIs ( BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame , false ) ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . Webgl2 )
PlayerSettings . SetGraphicsAPIs ( BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame , new GraphicsDeviceType [ ] { GraphicsDeviceType . OpenGLES3 } ) ;
PlayerSettings . SetGraphicsAPIs ( BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame , new GraphicsDeviceType [ ] { GraphicsDeviceType . OpenGLES2 } ) ;
PlayerSettings . SetUseDefaultGraphicsAPIs ( BuildTarget . WebGL , false ) ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . Webgl2 )
PlayerSettings . SetGraphicsAPIs ( BuildTarget . WebGL , new GraphicsDeviceType [ ] { GraphicsDeviceType . OpenGLES3 } ) ;
PlayerSettings . SetGraphicsAPIs ( BuildTarget . WebGL , new GraphicsDeviceType [ ] { GraphicsDeviceType . OpenGLES2 } ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 移除输入js代码字符串中所有以prefix为前缀的函数的函数体, function与函数名之间仅允许有一个空格
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">输入字符串</param>
/// <param name="prefix">函数前缀</param>
/// <returns>处理后的字符串</returns>
public static string RemoveFunctionsWithPrefix ( string input , string prefix )
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
int braceCount = 0 ;
int lastIndex = 0 ;
int index = input . IndexOf ( "function " + prefix ) ;
while ( index ! = - 1 )
output . Append ( input , lastIndex , index - lastIndex ) ;
lastIndex = index ;
while ( input [ lastIndex ] ! = '{' )
lastIndex + + ;
braceCount = 1 ;
+ + lastIndex ;
while ( braceCount > 0 )
if ( input [ lastIndex ] = = '{' )
+ + braceCount ;
else if ( input [ lastIndex ] = = '}' )
- - braceCount ;
+ + lastIndex ;
index = input . IndexOf ( "function " + prefix , lastIndex ) ;
output . Append ( input , lastIndex , input . Length - lastIndex ) ;
return output . ToString ( ) ;
private static bool CheckBuildTemplate ( )
string [ ] res = BuildTemplate . CheckCustomCoverBaseConflict (
Path . Combine ( UnityUtil . GetWxSDKRootPath ( ) , "Runtime" , "wechat-default" ) ,
Path . Combine ( Application . dataPath , "WX-WASM-SDK-V2" , "Editor" , "template" ) ,
new string [ ] { @"\.(js|ts|json)$" }
) ;
if ( res . Length ! = 0 )
Debug . LogError ( "系统发现自定义构建模板中存在以下文件对应的基础模板已被更新,为确保游戏导出正常工作请自行解决可能存在的冲突:" ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < res . Length ; i + + )
Debug . LogError ( $"自定义模板文件 [{i}]: [ {res[i]} ]" ) ;
Debug . LogError ( "有关上述警告产生原因及处理办法请阅读: https://wechat-miniprogram.github.io/minigame-unity-webgl-transform/Design/BuildTemplate.html#%E6%96%B0%E7%89%88%E6%9C%ACsdk%E5%BC%95%E8%B5%B7%E7%9A%84%E5%86%B2%E7%AA%81%E6%8F%90%E9%86%92" ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
2024-10-25 18:09:59 +08:00
// Assert when release + Perf-feature
private static bool CheckInvalidPerfIntegration ( )
string defineSymbols = PlayerSettings . GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup ( EditorUserBuildSettings . selectedBuildTargetGroup ) ;
return ( ! config . CompileOptions . DevelopBuild ) & & ( defineSymbols . IndexOf ( MACRO_ENABLE_WX_PERF_FEATURE ) ! = - 1 ) ;
2024-10-23 09:14:01 +08:00
private static void ConvertDotnetCode ( )
CompressAssemblyBrotli ( ) ;
ConvertDotnetRuntimeCode ( ) ;
ConvertDotnetFrameworkCode ( ) ;
private static void ConvertDotnetRuntimeCode ( )
var runtimePath = GetWeixinMiniGameFilePath ( "jsModuleRuntime" ) [ 0 ] ;
var dotnetJs = File . ReadAllText ( runtimePath , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
Rule [ ] rules =
new Rule ( )
old = "await *WebAssembly\\.instantiate\\(\\w*," ,
newStr = $"await WebAssembly.instantiate(Module[\" wasmPath \ "]," ,
} ,
new Rule ( )
old = "['\"]Expected methodFullName if trace is instrumented['\"]\\);?" ,
newStr = "'Expected methodFullName if trace is instrumented'); return;" ,
} ;
foreach ( var rule in rules )
if ( ShowMatchFailedWarning ( dotnetJs , rule . old , "runtime" ) = = false )
dotnetJs = Regex . Replace ( dotnetJs , rule . old , rule . newStr ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , frameworkDir , Path . GetFileName ( runtimePath ) ) , dotnetJs , new UTF8Encoding ( false ) ) ;
private static void CompressAssemblyBrotli ( )
GetWeixinMiniGameFilePath ( "assembly" ) . ToList ( ) . ForEach ( assembly = > UnityUtil . brotli ( assembly , assembly + ".br" , "8" ) ) ;
private static void ConvertDotnetFrameworkCode ( )
var target = "webgl.wasm.framework.unityweb.js" ;
var dotnetJsPath =
Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Code" , "wwwroot" , "_framework" , "dotnet.js" ) ;
var dotnetJs = File . ReadAllText ( dotnetJsPath , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
// todo: handle dotnet js
foreach ( var rule in ReplaceRules . DoenetRules ( new string [ ] { frameworkDir ,
Path . GetFileName ( GetWeixinMiniGameFilePath ( "jsModuleRuntime" ) [ 0 ] ) ,
Path . GetFileName ( GetWeixinMiniGameFilePath ( "jsModuleNative" ) [ 0 ] ) ,
} ) )
if ( ShowMatchFailedWarning ( dotnetJs , rule . old , "dotnet" ) = = false )
dotnetJs = Regex . Replace ( dotnetJs , rule . old , rule . newStr ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , frameworkDir , target ) , ReplaceRules . DotnetHeader + dotnetJs + ReplaceRules . DotnetFooter , new UTF8Encoding ( false ) ) ;
private static void ConvertCode ( )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Converter] Starting to adapt framework. Dst: " + config . ProjectConf . DST ) ;
UnityUtil . DelectDir ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir ) ) ;
string text = String . Empty ;
var target = "webgl.wasm.framework.unityweb.js" ;
if ( WXExtEnvDef . GETDEF ( "UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER" ) )
if ( UseIL2CPP )
text = File . ReadAllText ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Build" , "webgl.framework.js" ) , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
var frameworkPath = GetWeixinMiniGameFilePath ( "jsModuleNative" ) [ 0 ] ;
target = Path . GetFileName ( frameworkPath ) ;
text = File . ReadAllText ( frameworkPath , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
text = File . ReadAllText ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Build" , "webgl.wasm.framework.unityweb" ) , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ReplaceRules . rules . Length ; i + + )
var current = i + 1 ;
var total = ReplaceRules . rules . Length ;
EditorUtility . DisplayProgressBar ( $"Converting..., {current}/{total}" , "Replace holder..." , current * 1.0f / total ) ;
var rule = ReplaceRules . rules [ i ] ;
// text = Regex.Replace(text, rule.old, rule.newStr);
if ( ShowMatchFailedWarning ( text , rule . old , "WXReplaceRules" ) = = false )
text = Regex . Replace ( text , rule . old , rule . newStr ) ;
EditorUtility . ClearProgressBar ( ) ;
string [ ] prefixs =
"_JS_Video_" ,
"_JS_Sound_" ,
"jsAudio" ,
"_JS_MobileKeyboard_" ,
} ;
foreach ( var prefix in prefixs )
text = RemoveFunctionsWithPrefix ( text , prefix ) ;
if ( PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . exceptionSupport = = WeixinMiniGameExceptionSupport . None )
if ( PlayerSettings . WebGL . exceptionSupport = = WebGLExceptionSupport . None )
Rule [ ] rules =
new Rule ( )
old = "console.log\\(\"Exception at" ,
newStr = "if(Module.IsWxGame);console.log(\"Exception at" ,
} ,
new Rule ( )
old = "throw ptr" ,
newStr = "if(Module.IsWxGame)window.WXWASMSDK.WXUncaughtException(true);else throw ptr" ,
} ,
} ;
foreach ( var rule in rules )
text = Regex . Replace ( text , rule . old , rule . newStr ) ;
if ( text . Contains ( "UnityModule" ) )
text + = ";GameGlobal.unityNamespace.UnityModule = UnityModule;" ;
else if ( text . Contains ( "unityFramework" ) )
text + = ";GameGlobal.unityNamespace.UnityModule = unityFramework;" ;
else if ( text . Contains ( "tuanjieFramework" ) )
text + = ";GameGlobal.unityNamespace.UnityModule = tuanjieFramework;" ;
else if ( UseIL2CPP )
if ( text . StartsWith ( "(" ) & & text . EndsWith ( ")" ) )
text = text . Substring ( 1 , text . Length - 2 ) ;
text = "GameGlobal.unityNamespace.UnityModule = " + text ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir ) ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir ) ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , frameworkDir ) ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , frameworkDir ) ) ;
var header = "var OriginalAudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;window.AudioContext = function() {if (this instanceof window.AudioContext) {return wx.createWebAudioContext();} else {return new OriginalAudioContext();}};" ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . DevelopBuild )
header = header + RenderAnalysisRules . header ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < RenderAnalysisRules . rules . Length ; i + + )
var rule = RenderAnalysisRules . rules [ i ] ;
text = Regex . Replace ( text , rule . old , rule . newStr ) ;
text = header + text ;
var targetPath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , target ) ;
if ( ! UseIL2CPP )
targetPath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , frameworkDir , target ) ;
foreach ( var rule in ReplaceRules . NativeRules )
if ( ShowMatchFailedWarning ( text , rule . old , "native" ) = = false )
text = Regex . Replace ( text , rule . old , rule . newStr ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( targetPath , text , new UTF8Encoding ( false ) ) ;
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Converter] adapt framework done! " ) ;
private static int Build ( )
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . emscriptenArgs = string . Empty ;
if ( WXExtEnvDef . GETDEF ( "UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER" ) )
// PlayerSettings.WeixinMiniGame.emscriptenArgs += " -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_main,_sbrk,_emscripten_stack_get_base,_emscripten_stack_get_end";
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . emscriptenArgs + = " -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_sbrk,_emscripten_stack_get_base,_emscripten_stack_get_end -s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0" ;
PlayerSettings . WebGL . emscriptenArgs = string . Empty ;
if ( WXExtEnvDef . GETDEF ( "UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER" ) )
PlayerSettings . WebGL . emscriptenArgs + = " -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_sbrk,_emscripten_stack_get_base,_emscripten_stack_get_end -s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0" ;
#if UNITY_2021_2_5
PlayerSettings . WebGL . emscriptenArgs + = ",_main" ;
PlayerSettings . runInBackground = false ;
if ( config . ProjectConf . MemorySize ! = 0 )
if ( config . ProjectConf . MemorySize > = 1024 )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogErrorFormat ( $"UnityHeap必须小于1024, 请查看GIT文档<a href=\" https : //github.com/wechat-miniprogram/minigame-unity-webgl-transform/blob/main/Design/OptimizationMemory.md\">优化Unity WebGL的内存</a>");
return - 1 ;
else if ( config . ProjectConf . MemorySize > = 500 )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogWarningFormat ( $"UnityHeap大于500M时, 32位Android与iOS普通模式较大概率启动失败, 中轻度游戏建议小于该值。请查看GIT文档<a href=\" https : //github.com/wechat-miniprogram/minigame-unity-webgl-transform/blob/main/Design/OptimizationMemory.md\">优化Unity WebGL的内存</a>");
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . emscriptenArgs + = $" -s TOTAL_MEMORY={config.ProjectConf.MemorySize}MB" ;
PlayerSettings . WebGL . emscriptenArgs + = $" -s TOTAL_MEMORY={config.ProjectConf.MemorySize}MB" ;
string original_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS = "\"ccall\",\"cwrap\",\"stackTrace\",\"addRunDependency\",\"removeRunDependency\",\"FS_createPath\",\"FS_createDataFile\",\"stackTrace\",\"writeStackCookie\",\"checkStackCookie\"" ;
string additional_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS = ",\"lengthBytesUTF8\",\"stringToUTF8\"" ;
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . emscriptenArgs + = " -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS='[" + original_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS + additional_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS + "]'" ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . ProfilingMemory )
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . emscriptenArgs + = " --memoryprofiler " ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . profilingFuncs )
PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . emscriptenArgs + = " --profiling-funcs " ;
#if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
#if UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER
// 默认更改为OptimizeSize, 减少代码包体积
PlayerSettings . SetIl2CppCodeGeneration ( NamedBuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame , config . CompileOptions . Il2CppOptimizeSize ? Il2CppCodeGeneration . OptimizeSize : Il2CppCodeGeneration . OptimizeSpeed ) ;
EditorUserBuildSettings . il2CppCodeGeneration = config . CompileOptions . Il2CppOptimizeSize ? Il2CppCodeGeneration . OptimizeSize : Il2CppCodeGeneration . OptimizeSpeed ;
UnityEngine . Debug . Log ( "[Builder] Starting to build WeixinMiniGame project ... " ) ;
UnityEngine . Debug . Log ( "PlayerSettings.WeixinMiniGame.emscriptenArgs : " + PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . emscriptenArgs ) ;
PlayerSettings . WebGL . emscriptenArgs + = " -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS='[" + original_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS + additional_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS + "]'" ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . ProfilingMemory )
PlayerSettings . WebGL . emscriptenArgs + = " --memoryprofiler " ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . profilingFuncs )
PlayerSettings . WebGL . emscriptenArgs + = " --profiling-funcs " ;
#if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
#if UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER
// 默认更改为OptimizeSize, 减少代码包体积
PlayerSettings . SetIl2CppCodeGeneration ( NamedBuildTarget . WebGL , config . CompileOptions . Il2CppOptimizeSize ? Il2CppCodeGeneration . OptimizeSize : Il2CppCodeGeneration . OptimizeSpeed ) ;
EditorUserBuildSettings . il2CppCodeGeneration = config . CompileOptions . Il2CppOptimizeSize ? Il2CppCodeGeneration . OptimizeSize : Il2CppCodeGeneration . OptimizeSpeed ;
UnityEngine . Debug . Log ( "[Builder] Starting to build WebGL project ... " ) ;
UnityEngine . Debug . Log ( "PlayerSettings.WebGL.emscriptenArgs : " + PlayerSettings . WebGL . emscriptenArgs ) ;
// PlayerSettings.WebGL.memorySize = memorySize;
BuildOptions option = BuildOptions . None ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . DevelopBuild )
option | = BuildOptions . Development ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . AutoProfile )
option | = BuildOptions . ConnectWithProfiler ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . ScriptOnly )
option | = BuildOptions . BuildScriptsOnly ;
#if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
if ( config . CompileOptions . CleanBuild )
option | = BuildOptions . CleanBuildCache ;
if ( EditorUserBuildSettings . activeBuildTarget ! = BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Builder] Current target is: {0}, switching to: {1}" , EditorUserBuildSettings . activeBuildTarget , BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame ) ;
if ( ! EditorUserBuildSettings . SwitchActiveBuildTarget ( BuildTargetGroup . WeixinMiniGame , BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame ) )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Builder] Switching to {0}/{1} failed!" , BuildTargetGroup . WeixinMiniGame , BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame ) ;
return - 1 ;
var projDir = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir ) ;
var result = BuildPipeline . BuildPlayer ( GetScenePaths ( ) , projDir , BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame , option ) ;
if ( result . summary . result ! = UnityEditor . Build . Reporting . BuildResult . Succeeded )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Builder] BuildPlayer failed. emscriptenArgs:{0}" , PlayerSettings . WeixinMiniGame . emscriptenArgs ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( EditorUserBuildSettings . activeBuildTarget ! = BuildTarget . WebGL )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Builder] Current target is: {0}, switching to: {1}" , EditorUserBuildSettings . activeBuildTarget , BuildTarget . WebGL ) ;
if ( ! EditorUserBuildSettings . SwitchActiveBuildTarget ( BuildTargetGroup . WebGL , BuildTarget . WebGL ) )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Builder] Switching to {0}/{1} failed!" , BuildTargetGroup . WebGL , BuildTarget . WebGL ) ;
return - 1 ;
var projDir = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir ) ;
var result = BuildPipeline . BuildPlayer ( GetScenePaths ( ) , projDir , BuildTarget . WebGL , option ) ;
if ( result . summary . result ! = UnityEditor . Build . Reporting . BuildResult . Succeeded )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Builder] BuildPlayer failed. emscriptenArgs:{0}" , PlayerSettings . WebGL . emscriptenArgs ) ;
return - 1 ;
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Builder] Done: " + projDir ) ;
return 0 ;
private static string GetWebGLDataPath ( )
if ( WXExtEnvDef . GETDEF ( "UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER" ) )
return Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Build" , "webgl.data" ) ;
return Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Build" , "webgl.data.unityweb" ) ;
private static string [ ] GetWeixinMiniGameFilePath ( string key )
var bootJson = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Code" , "wwwroot" , "_framework" , "blazor.boot.json" ) ;
var boot = JsonMapper . ToObject ( File . ReadAllText ( bootJson , Encoding . UTF8 ) ) ;
// Disable jiterpreter if haven't set
if ( ! boot . ContainsKey ( "environmentVariables" ) )
var jd = new JsonData ( ) ;
jd [ "INTERP_OPTS" ] = "-jiterp" ;
boot [ "environmentVariables" ] = jd ;
JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter ( ) ;
boot . ToJson ( writer ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( bootJson , writer . TextWriter . ToString ( ) ) ;
Debug . Log ( "Env INTERP_OPTS added to blazor.boot.json" ) ;
else if ( ! boot [ "environmentVariables" ] . ContainsKey ( "INTERP_OPTS" ) )
boot [ "environmentVariables" ] [ "INTERP_OPTS" ] = "-jiterp" ;
JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter ( ) ;
boot . ToJson ( writer ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( bootJson , writer . TextWriter . ToString ( ) ) ;
Debug . Log ( "Env INTERP_OPTS added to blazor.boot.json" ) ;
return boot [ "resources" ] [ key ] . Keys . Select ( file = > Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Code" , "wwwroot" , "_framework" , file ) ) . ToArray ( ) ;
private static void finishExport ( )
int code = GenerateBinFile ( ) ;
if ( code = = 0 )
convertDataPackage ( false ) ;
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Converter] All done!" ) ;
//ShowNotification(new GUIContent("转换完成"));
Emit ( LifeCycle . exportDone ) ;
convertDataPackage ( true ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 等brotli之后, 统计下资源包加brotli压缩后代码包是否超过了20M( 小游戏代码分包总大小限制)
/// </summary>
private static void convertDataPackage ( bool brotliError )
var baseDataFilename = dataMd5 + ".webgl.data.unityweb.bin" ;
var webglDirPath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir ) ;
var minigameDirPath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir ) ;
var minigameDataPath = Path . Combine ( minigameDirPath , "data-package" ) ;
// 未压缩的包名
var originDataFilename = baseDataFilename + ".txt" ;
var originMinigameDataPath = Path . Combine ( minigameDataPath , originDataFilename ) ;
var originTempDataPath = Path . Combine ( webglDirPath , originDataFilename ) ;
// br压缩的资源包名
var brDataFilename = baseDataFilename + ".br" ;
var brMinigameDataPath = Path . Combine ( minigameDataPath , brDataFilename ) ;
var tempDataBrPath = Path . Combine ( webglDirPath , brDataFilename ) ;
// 资源文件名
var dataFilename = originDataFilename ;
// 原始webgl的资源路径, 即webgl/build目录下的资源名
var sourceDataPath = GetWebGLDataPath ( ) ;
// webgl目录下的资源路径
var tempDataPath = originTempDataPath ;
var dataPackageBrotliRet = 0 ;
// 如果brotli失败, 使用CDN加载
if ( brotliError )
// brotli失败后, 因为无法知道wasmcode大小, 则得不到最终小游戏总包体大小。不能使用小游戏分包加载资源, 还原成cdn的方式。
if ( config . ProjectConf . assetLoadType = = 1 )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogWarning ( "brotli失败, 无法检测文件大小, 请上传资源文件到CDN" ) ;
config . ProjectConf . assetLoadType = 0 ;
// ShowNotification(new GUIContent("Brotli压缩失败, 请到转出目录手动压缩! ! ! "));
Debug . LogError ( "Brotli压缩失败, 请到转出目录手动压缩! " ) ;
// 需要压缩资源包
if ( ! ! config . ProjectConf . compressDataPackage )
dataFilename = brDataFilename ;
tempDataPath = tempDataBrPath ;
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Compressing] Starting to compress datapackage" ) ;
dataPackageBrotliRet = Brotlib ( dataFilename , sourceDataPath , tempDataPath ) ;
Debug . Log ( "[Compressing] compress ret = " + dataPackageBrotliRet ) ;
// 若压缩资源包失败,回退未压缩状态
if ( dataPackageBrotliRet ! = 0 )
config . ProjectConf . compressDataPackage = false ;
dataFilename = originDataFilename ;
tempDataPath = originTempDataPath ;
// 不需要压缩资源包或压缩失败
if ( ! config . ProjectConf . compressDataPackage | | dataPackageBrotliRet ! = 0 )
// 将资源包从Build目录复制一份作为未压缩资源
File . Copy ( sourceDataPath , tempDataPath , true ) ;
// 用小游戏分包加载时, 需要计算是否未超过20M
if ( config . ProjectConf . assetLoadType = = 1 )
// 计算wasm包大小
var brcodePath = Path . Combine ( minigameDirPath , "wasmcode" , codeMd5 + ".webgl.wasm.code.unityweb.wasm.br" ) ;
var brcodeInfo = new FileInfo ( brcodePath ) ;
var brcodeSize = brcodeInfo . Length ;
// 计算首资源包大小
var tempDataInfo = new FileInfo ( tempDataPath ) ;
var tempFileSize = tempDataInfo . Length . ToString ( ) ;
// 胶水层及sdk可能占一定大小, 粗略按照1M来算, 则剩余19M
if ( brcodeSize + int . Parse ( tempFileSize ) > ( 20 - 1 ) * 1024 * 1024 )
config . ProjectConf . assetLoadType = 0 ;
Debug . LogError ( "资源文件过大, 不适宜用放小游戏包内加载, 请上传资源文件到CDN" ) ;
// 小游戏分包加载时, 压缩成功且总大小符合要求, 将br文件copy到小游戏目录
File . Copy ( tempDataPath , config . ProjectConf . compressDataPackage ? brMinigameDataPath : originMinigameDataPath , true ) ;
checkNeedRmovePackageParallelPreload ( ) ;
// 设置InstantGame的首资源包路径, 上传用
FirstBundlePath = tempDataPath ;
var loadDataFromCdn = config . ProjectConf . assetLoadType = = 0 ;
Rule [ ] rules =
new Rule ( )
old = "$DEPLOY_URL" ,
newStr = config . ProjectConf . CDN ,
} ,
new Rule ( )
newStr = loadDataFromCdn ? "false" : "true" ,
} ,
new Rule ( )
newStr = config . ProjectConf . compressDataPackage ? "true" : "false" ,
} ;
string [ ] files = { "game.js" , "game.json" , "project.config.json" , "check-version.js" } ;
ReplaceFileContent ( files , rules ) ;
private static void checkNeedRmovePackageParallelPreload ( )
// cdn下载时不需要填写并行下载配置
if ( config . ProjectConf . assetLoadType = = 0 )
var filePath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "game.json" ) ;
string content = File . ReadAllText ( filePath , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
JsonData gameJson = JsonMapper . ToObject ( content ) ;
JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter ( ) ;
writer . IndentValue = 2 ;
writer . PrettyPrint = true ;
gameJson [ "parallelPreloadSubpackages" ] . Remove ( gameJson [ "parallelPreloadSubpackages" ] [ 1 ] ) ;
// 将配置写回到文件夹
gameJson . ToJson ( writer ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( filePath , writer . TextWriter . ToString ( ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 对文件做内容替换
/// </summary>
/// <param name="files"></param>
/// <param name="replaceList"></param>
public static void ReplaceFileContent ( string [ ] files , Rule [ ] replaceList )
if ( files . Length ! = 0 & & replaceList . Length ! = 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < files . Length ; i + + )
var filePath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , files [ i ] ) ;
string text = File . ReadAllText ( filePath , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < replaceList . Length ; j + + )
var rule = replaceList [ j ] ;
text = text . Replace ( rule . old , rule . newStr ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( filePath , text , new UTF8Encoding ( false ) ) ;
private static string GetWebGLCodePath ( )
if ( WXExtEnvDef . GETDEF ( "UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER" ) )
if ( UseIL2CPP )
return Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Build" , "webgl.wasm" ) ;
return GetWeixinMiniGameFilePath ( "wasmNative" ) [ 0 ] ;
return Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Build" , "webgl.wasm.code.unityweb" ) ;
public static string FirstBundlePath = "" ;
public static int GenerateBinFile ( bool isFromConvert = false )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Converter] Starting to genarate md5 and copy files" ) ;
var codePath = GetWebGLCodePath ( ) ;
codeMd5 = UnityUtil . BuildFileMd5 ( codePath ) ;
var dataPath = GetWebGLDataPath ( ) ;
dataMd5 = UnityUtil . BuildFileMd5 ( dataPath ) ;
var symbolPath = GetWebGLSymbolPath ( ) ;
RemoveOldAssetPackage ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir ) ) ;
RemoveOldAssetPackage ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir + "-min" ) ) ;
var buildTemplate = new BuildTemplate (
Path . Combine ( UnityUtil . GetWxSDKRootPath ( ) , "Runtime" , "wechat-default" ) ,
Path . Combine ( Application . dataPath , "WX-WASM-SDK-V2" , "Editor" , "template" ) ,
Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir )
) ;
buildTemplate . start ( ) ;
// FIX: 2021.2版本生成symbol有bug, 导出时生成symbol报错, 有symbol才copy
// 代码分包需要symbol文件以进行增量更新
if ( File . Exists ( symbolPath ) )
File . Copy ( symbolPath , Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "webgl.wasm.symbols.unityweb" ) , true ) ;
var info = new FileInfo ( dataPath ) ;
dataFileSize = info . Length . ToString ( ) ;
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Converter] that to genarate md5 and copy files ended" ) ;
ModifyWeChatConfigs ( isFromConvert ) ;
ModifySDKFile ( ) ;
ClearFriendRelationCode ( ) ;
GameJsPlugins ( ) ;
// 如果没有StreamingAssets目录, 默认生成
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "StreamingAssets" ) ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "StreamingAssets" ) ) ;
return Brotlib ( codeMd5 + ".webgl.wasm.code.unityweb.wasm.br" , codePath , Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "wasmcode" , codeMd5 + ".webgl.wasm.code.unityweb.wasm.br" ) ) ;
private static int Brotlib ( string filename , string sourcePath , string targetPath )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Converter] Starting to generate Brotlib file" ) ;
var cachePath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , filename ) ;
var shortFilename = filename . Substring ( filename . IndexOf ( '.' ) + 1 ) ;
// 如果code没有发生过变化, 且压缩方式不变, 则不再进行br压缩
if ( File . Exists ( cachePath ) & & lastBrotliType = = config . CompileOptions . brotliMT )
File . Copy ( cachePath , targetPath , true ) ;
return 0 ;
// 删除旧的br压缩文件
if ( Directory . Exists ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir ) ) )
foreach ( string path in Directory . GetFiles ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir ) ) )
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo ( path ) ;
if ( fileInfo . Name . Contains ( shortFilename ) )
File . Delete ( fileInfo . FullName ) ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . brotliMT )
MultiThreadBrotliCompress ( sourcePath , targetPath ) ;
UnityUtil . brotli ( sourcePath , targetPath ) ;
if ( targetPath ! = cachePath )
File . Copy ( targetPath , cachePath , true ) ;
return 0 ;
public static bool MultiThreadBrotliCompress ( string sourcePath , string dstPath , int quality = 11 , int window = 21 , int maxCpuThreads = 0 )
if ( maxCpuThreads = = 0 ) maxCpuThreads = Environment . ProcessorCount ;
var sourceBuffer = File . ReadAllBytes ( sourcePath ) ;
byte [ ] outputBuffer = new byte [ 0 ] ;
int ret = 0 ;
if ( sourceBuffer . Length > 50 * 1024 * 1024 & & Path . GetExtension ( sourcePath ) = = ".wasm" ) // 50MB以上的wasm压缩率低了可能导致小游戏包超过20MB, 需提高压缩率
ret = BrotliEnc . CompressWasmMT ( sourceBuffer , ref outputBuffer , quality , window , maxCpuThreads ) ;
ret = BrotliEnc . CompressBufferMT ( sourceBuffer , ref outputBuffer , quality , window , maxCpuThreads ) ;
if ( ret = = 0 )
using ( FileStream fileStream = new FileStream ( dstPath , FileMode . Create , FileAccess . Write ) )
fileStream . Write ( outputBuffer , 0 , outputBuffer . Length ) ;
return true ;
Debug . LogError ( "CompressWasmMT failed" ) ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// 更新game.json
/// </summary>
private static void ClearFriendRelationCode ( )
var filePath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "game.json" ) ;
string content = File . ReadAllText ( filePath , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
JsonData gameJson = JsonMapper . ToObject ( content ) ;
if ( ! config . SDKOptions . UseFriendRelation | | ! config . SDKOptions . UseMiniGameChat | | config . CompileOptions . autoAdaptScreen )
JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter ( ) ;
writer . IndentValue = 2 ;
writer . PrettyPrint = true ;
// 将 game.json 里面关系链相关的配置删除
if ( ! config . SDKOptions . UseFriendRelation )
gameJson . Remove ( "openDataContext" ) ;
gameJson [ "plugins" ] . Remove ( "Layout" ) ;
// 删除 open-data 相应的文件夹
string openDataDir = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "open-data" ) ;
UnityUtil . DelectDir ( openDataDir ) ;
Directory . Delete ( openDataDir , true ) ;
if ( ! config . SDKOptions . UseMiniGameChat )
gameJson [ "plugins" ] . Remove ( "MiniGameChat" ) ;
UnityEngine . Debug . Log ( gameJson [ "plugins" ] ) ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . autoAdaptScreen )
gameJson [ "displayMode" ] = "desktop" ;
// 将配置写回到文件夹
gameJson . ToJson ( writer ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( filePath , writer . TextWriter . ToString ( ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 更新game.js
/// </summary>
private static void GameJsPlugins ( )
var filePath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "game.js" ) ;
string content = File . ReadAllText ( filePath , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
Regex regex = new Regex ( @"^import .*;$" , RegexOptions . Multiline ) ;
MatchCollection matches = regex . Matches ( content ) ;
int lastIndex = 0 ;
if ( matches . Count > 0 )
lastIndex = matches [ matches . Count - 1 ] . Index + matches [ matches . Count - 1 ] . Length ;
bool changed = false ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( content ) ;
if ( config . ProjectConf . needCheckUpdate )
sb . Insert ( lastIndex , Environment . NewLine + "import './plugins/check-update';" ) ;
changed = true ;
File . Delete ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "plugins" , "check-update.js" ) ) ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . autoAdaptScreen )
sb . Insert ( lastIndex , Environment . NewLine + "import './plugins/screen-adapter';" ) ;
changed = true ;
File . Delete ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "plugins" , "screen-adapter.js" ) ) ;
if ( changed )
File . WriteAllText ( filePath , sb . ToString ( ) , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
Directory . Delete ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "plugins" ) , true ) ;
private static void ModifySDKFile ( )
var config = UnityUtil . GetEditorConf ( ) ;
string content = File . ReadAllText ( SDKFilePath , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
content = content . Replace ( "$unityVersion$" , Application . unityVersion ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "unity-sdk" , "index.js" ) , content , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
// content = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "WX-WASM-SDK-V2", "Runtime", "wechat-default", "unity-sdk", "storage.js"), Encoding.UTF8);
content = File . ReadAllText ( Path . Combine ( UnityUtil . GetWxSDKRootPath ( ) , "Runtime" , "wechat-default" , "unity-sdk" , "storage.js" ) , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
var PreLoadKeys = config . PlayerPrefsKeys . Count > 0 ? JsonMapper . ToJson ( config . PlayerPrefsKeys ) : "[]" ;
content = content . Replace ( "'$PreLoadKeys'" , PreLoadKeys ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "unity-sdk" , "storage.js" ) , content , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
// 修改纹理dxt
// content = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "WX-WASM-SDK-V2", "Runtime", "wechat-default", "unity-sdk", "texture.js"), Encoding.UTF8);
content = File . ReadAllText ( Path . Combine ( UnityUtil . GetWxSDKRootPath ( ) , "Runtime" , "wechat-default" , "unity-sdk" , "texture.js" ) , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "unity-sdk" , "texture.js" ) , content , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
public static string HandleLoadingImage ( )
var info = AssetDatabase . LoadAssetAtPath < Texture > ( config . ProjectConf . bgImageSrc ) ;
var oldFilename = Path . GetFileName ( defaultImgSrc ) ;
var newFilename = Path . GetFileName ( config . ProjectConf . bgImageSrc ) ;
if ( config . ProjectConf . bgImageSrc ! = defaultImgSrc )
// 图片宽高不能超过2048
if ( info . width > 2048 | | info . height > 2048 )
throw new Exception ( "封面图宽高不可超过2048" ) ;
File . Delete ( Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "images" , oldFilename ) ) ;
File . Copy ( config . ProjectConf . bgImageSrc , Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir , "images" , newFilename ) , true ) ;
return "images/" + Path . GetFileName ( config . ProjectConf . bgImageSrc ) ;
return "images/" + Path . GetFileName ( defaultImgSrc ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 按;分隔字符串,将分隔后每一项作为字符串用,连接
/// eg: input "i1;i2;i3" => output: `"i1", "i2", "i3"`
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inp"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetArrayString ( string inp )
var result = string . Empty ;
var iterms = new List < string > ( inp . Split ( new char [ ] { ';' } ) ) ;
iterms . ForEach ( ( iterm ) = >
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( iterm . Trim ( ) ) )
result + = "\"" + iterm . Trim ( ) + "\", " ;
} ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( result ) )
result = result . Substring ( 0 , result . Length - 2 ) ;
return result ;
private class PreloadFile
public PreloadFile ( string fn , string rp )
fileName = fn ;
relativePath = rp ;
public string fileName ;
public string relativePath ;
/// <summary>
/// 从webgl目录模糊搜索preloadfiles中的文件, 作为预下载的列表
/// </summary>
private static string GetPreloadList ( string strPreloadfiles )
if ( strPreloadfiles = = string . Empty )
return string . Empty ;
string preloadList = string . Empty ;
var streamingAssetsPath = Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir + "/StreamingAssets" ) ;
var fileNames = strPreloadfiles . Split ( new char [ ] { ';' } ) ;
List < PreloadFile > preloadFiles = new List < PreloadFile > ( ) ;
foreach ( var fileName in fileNames )
if ( fileName . Trim ( ) = = string . Empty )
continue ;
preloadFiles . Add ( new PreloadFile ( fileName , string . Empty ) ) ;
if ( Directory . Exists ( streamingAssetsPath ) )
foreach ( string path in Directory . GetFiles ( streamingAssetsPath , "*" , SearchOption . AllDirectories ) )
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo ( path ) ;
foreach ( var preloadFile in preloadFiles )
if ( fileInfo . Name . Contains ( preloadFile . fileName ) )
// 相对于StreamingAssets的路径
var relativePath = path . Substring ( streamingAssetsPath . Length + 1 ) . Replace ( '\\' , '/' ) ;
preloadFile . relativePath = relativePath ;
break ;
UnityEngine . Debug . LogError ( "没有找到StreamingAssets目录, 无法生成预下载列表" ) ;
foreach ( var preloadFile in preloadFiles )
if ( preloadFile . relativePath = = string . Empty )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogError ( $"并非所有预下载的文件都被找到,剩余:{preloadFile.fileName}" ) ;
continue ;
preloadList + = "\"" + preloadFile . relativePath + "\", \r" ;
return preloadList ;
private static string GetCustomUnicodeRange ( string customUnicode )
if ( customUnicode = = string . Empty )
return "[]" ;
List < int > unicodeCodes = new List < int > ( ) ;
// 将字符串中的每个字符转换为Unicode编码并存储在数组中
foreach ( char c in customUnicode )
unicodeCodes . Add ( char . ConvertToUtf32 ( c . ToString ( ) , 0 ) ) ;
// 对数组进行排序
unicodeCodes . Sort ( ) ;
// 将连续的编码合并为范围
List < Tuple < int , int > > ranges = new List < Tuple < int , int > > ( ) ;
int startRange = unicodeCodes [ 0 ] ;
int endRange = unicodeCodes [ 0 ] ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < unicodeCodes . Count ; i + + )
if ( unicodeCodes [ i ] = = endRange )
continue ;
else if ( unicodeCodes [ i ] = = endRange + 1 )
endRange = unicodeCodes [ i ] ;
ranges . Add ( Tuple . Create ( startRange , endRange ) ) ;
startRange = endRange = unicodeCodes [ i ] ;
ranges . Add ( Tuple . Create ( startRange , endRange ) ) ;
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
// 输出范围
foreach ( var range in ranges )
ret . AppendFormat ( "[0x{0:X}, 0x{1:X}], " , range . Item1 , range . Item2 ) ;
// 移除字符串末尾的多余", "
ret . Length - = 2 ;
ret . Insert ( 0 , "[" ) ;
ret . Append ( "]" ) ;
return ret . ToString ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 生成Unitynamespace下的bootconfig
/// </summary>
private static string GenerateBootInfo ( )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
// 添加player-connection-ip信息
2024-10-25 18:09:59 +08:00
2024-10-23 09:14:01 +08:00
2024-10-25 18:09:59 +08:00
var host = Dns . GetHostEntry ( "" ) ;
foreach ( var ip in host . AddressList )
2024-10-23 09:14:01 +08:00
2024-10-25 18:09:59 +08:00
if ( ip . AddressFamily = = System . Net . Sockets . AddressFamily . InterNetwork )
sb . Append ( $"player-connection-ip={ip.ToString()}" ) ;
break ;
2024-10-23 09:14:01 +08:00
2024-10-25 18:09:59 +08:00
catch ( Exception e )
Debug . LogWarning ( "[可选]生成Boot info 失败!错误:" + e . Message ) ;
2024-10-23 09:14:01 +08:00
return sb . ToString ( ) ;
public static void ModifyWeChatConfigs ( bool isFromConvert = false )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Converter] Starting to modify configs" ) ;
var config = UnityUtil . GetEditorConf ( ) ;
var PRELOAD_LIST = GetPreloadList ( config . ProjectConf . preloadFiles ) ;
var imgSrc = HandleLoadingImage ( ) ;
var bundlePathIdentifierStr = GetArrayString ( config . ProjectConf . bundlePathIdentifier ) ;
var excludeFileExtensionsStr = GetArrayString ( config . ProjectConf . bundleExcludeExtensions ) ;
var screenOrientation = new List < string > ( ) { "portrait" , "landscape" , "landscapeLeft" , "landscapeRight" } [ ( int ) config . ProjectConf . Orientation ] ;
var customUnicodeRange = GetCustomUnicodeRange ( config . FontOptions . CustomUnicode ) ;
Debug . Log ( "customUnicodeRange: " + customUnicodeRange ) ;
var boolConfigInfo = GenerateBootInfo ( ) ;
Rule [ ] replaceArrayList = ReplaceRules . GenRules ( new string [ ] {
config . ProjectConf . projectName = = string . Empty ? "webgl" : config . ProjectConf . projectName ,
config . ProjectConf . Appid ,
screenOrientation ,
config . CompileOptions . enableIOSPerformancePlus ? "true" : "false" ,
config . ProjectConf . VideoUrl ,
codeMd5 ,
dataMd5 ,
config . ProjectConf . StreamCDN ,
config . ProjectConf . CDN + "/Assets" ,
imgSrc ,
config . ProjectConf . HideAfterCallMain ? "true" : "false" ,
config . ProjectConf . bundleHashLength . ToString ( ) ,
bundlePathIdentifierStr ,
excludeFileExtensionsStr ,
config . CompileOptions . Webgl2 ? "2" : "1" ,
Application . unityVersion ,
WXExtEnvDef . pluginVersion ,
config . ProjectConf . dataFileSubPrefix ,
config . ProjectConf . maxStorage . ToString ( ) ,
config . ProjectConf . defaultReleaseSize . ToString ( ) ,
config . ProjectConf . texturesHashLength . ToString ( ) ,
config . ProjectConf . texturesPath ,
config . ProjectConf . needCacheTextures ? "true" : "false" ,
config . ProjectConf . loadingBarWidth . ToString ( ) ,
GetColorSpace ( ) ,
config . ProjectConf . disableHighPerformanceFallback ? "true" : "false" ,
config . SDKOptions . PreloadWXFont ? "true" : "false" ,
config . CompileOptions . showMonitorSuggestModal ? "true" : "false" ,
config . CompileOptions . enableProfileStats ? "true" : "false" ,
config . CompileOptions . iOSAutoGCInterval . ToString ( ) ,
dataFileSize ,
IsInstantGameAutoStreaming ( ) ? "true" : "false" ,
( config . CompileOptions . DevelopBuild & & config . CompileOptions . enableRenderAnalysis ) ? "true" : "false" ,
config . ProjectConf . IOSDevicePixelRatio . ToString ( ) ,
UseIL2CPP ? "" : "/framework" ,
UseIL2CPP ? "false" : "true" ,
config . CompileOptions . brotliMT ? "true" : "false" ,
// FontOptions
config . FontOptions . CJK_Unified_Ideographs ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . C0_Controls_and_Basic_Latin ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . CJK_Symbols_and_Punctuation ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . General_Punctuation ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Enclosed_CJK_Letters_and_Months ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Vertical_Forms ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . CJK_Compatibility_Forms ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Miscellaneous_Symbols ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . CJK_Compatibility ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Halfwidth_and_Fullwidth_Forms ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Dingbats ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Letterlike_Symbols ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Enclosed_Alphanumerics ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Number_Forms ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Currency_Symbols ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Arrows ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Geometric_Shapes ? "true" : "false" ,
config . FontOptions . Mathematical_Operators ? "true" : "false" ,
customUnicodeRange ,
boolConfigInfo ,
2024-10-25 18:09:59 +08:00
config . CompileOptions . DevelopBuild ? "true" : "false" ,
config . CompileOptions . enablePerfAnalysis ? "true" : "false" ,
config . ProjectConf . MemorySize . ToString ( ) ,
2024-10-23 09:14:01 +08:00
} ) ;
List < Rule > replaceList = new List < Rule > ( replaceArrayList ) ;
List < string > files = new List < string > { "game.js" , "game.json" , "project.config.json" , "unity-namespace.js" , "check-version.js" , "unity-sdk/font/index.js" } ;
ReplaceFileContent ( files . ToArray ( ) , replaceList . ToArray ( ) ) ;
BuildTemplate . mergeJSON (
Path . Combine ( Application . dataPath , "WX-WASM-SDK-V2" , "Editor" , "template" , "minigame" ) ,
Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , miniGameDir )
) ;
Emit ( LifeCycle . afterBuildTemplate ) ;
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Converter] that to modify configs ended" ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取当前工程颜色空间
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string GetColorSpace ( )
switch ( PlayerSettings . colorSpace )
case ColorSpace . Gamma :
return "Gamma" ;
case ColorSpace . Linear :
return "Linear" ;
case ColorSpace . Uninitialized :
return "Uninitialized" ;
default :
return "Unknow" ;
/// <summary>
/// 删掉导出目录webgl目录下旧资源包
/// </summary>
private static void RemoveOldAssetPackage ( string dstDir )
if ( Directory . Exists ( dstDir ) )
foreach ( string path in Directory . GetFiles ( dstDir ) )
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo ( path ) ;
if ( fileInfo . Name . Contains ( "webgl.data.unityweb.bin.txt" ) | | fileInfo . Name . Contains ( "webgl.data.unityweb.bin.br" ) )
File . Delete ( fileInfo . FullName ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
UnityEngine . Debug . LogError ( ex ) ;
private static string GetWebGLSymbolPath ( )
if ( WXExtEnvDef . GETDEF ( "UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER" ) )
return Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Build" , "webgl.symbols.json" ) ;
return Path . Combine ( config . ProjectConf . DST , webglDir , "Build" , "webgl.wasm.symbols.unityweb" ) ;
private static string [ ] GetScenePaths ( )
List < string > scenes = new List < string > ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < EditorBuildSettings . scenes . Length ; i + + )
var scene = EditorBuildSettings . scenes [ i ] ;
UnityEngine . Debug . LogFormat ( "[Builder] Scenes [{0}]: {1}, [{2}]" , i , scene . path , scene . enabled ? "x" : " " ) ;
if ( scene . enabled )
scenes . Add ( scene . path ) ;
return scenes . ToArray ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 兼容 WebGL1 WebGL2 Linear Gamma 配置 Assets/WX-WASM-SDK/Plugins
/// </summary>
private static void SettingWXTextureMinJSLib ( )
string [ ] jsLibs ;
string DS = WXAssetsTextTools . DS ;
if ( UnityUtil . GetSDKMode ( ) = = UnityUtil . SDKMode . Package )
jsLibs = new string [ ]
$"Packages{DS}com.qq.weixin.minigame{DS}Runtime{DS}Plugins{DS}SDK-WX-TextureMin-JS-WEBGL1.jslib" ,
$"Packages{DS}com.qq.weixin.minigame{DS}Runtime{DS}Plugins{DS}SDK-WX-TextureMin-JS-WEBGL2.jslib" ,
$"Packages{DS}com.qq.weixin.minigame{DS}Runtime{DS}Plugins{DS}SDK-WX-TextureMin-JS-WEBGL2-Linear.jslib" ,
} ;
string jsLibRootDir = $"Assets{DS}WX-WASM-SDK-V2{DS}Runtime{DS}Plugins{DS}" ;
// 下方顺序不可变动
jsLibs = new string [ ]
$"{jsLibRootDir}SDK-WX-TextureMin-JS-WEBGL1.jslib" ,
$"{jsLibRootDir}SDK-WX-TextureMin-JS-WEBGL2.jslib" ,
$"{jsLibRootDir}SDK-WX-TextureMin-JS-WEBGL2-Linear.jslib" ,
} ;
int index = 0 ;
if ( config . CompileOptions . Webgl2 )
if ( PlayerSettings . colorSpace = = ColorSpace . Linear )
index = 2 ;
index = 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < jsLibs . Length ; i + + )
var importer = AssetImporter . GetAtPath ( jsLibs [ i ] ) as PluginImporter ;
bool value = i = = index ;
importer . SetCompatibleWithPlatform ( BuildTarget . WeixinMiniGame , value ) ;
importer . SetCompatibleWithPlatform ( BuildTarget . WebGL , value ) ;
importer . SaveAndReimport ( ) ;
public static bool IsInstantGameAutoStreaming ( )
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( GetInstantGameAutoStreamingCDN ( ) ) )
return false ;
return true ;
public static bool CheckSDK ( )
string dir = Path . Combine ( Application . dataPath , "WX-WASM-SDK" ) ;
if ( Directory . Exists ( dir ) )
return false ;
return true ;
public static string GetInstantGameAutoStreamingCDN ( )
string cdn = Unity . InstantGame . IGBuildPipeline . GetInstantGameCDNRoot ( ) ;
return cdn ;
return "" ;
public static bool ShowMatchFailedWarning ( string text , string rule , string file )
if ( Regex . IsMatch ( text , rule ) = = false )
Debug . Log ( $"UnMatched {file} rule: {rule}" ) ;
return true ;
return false ;