2024-10-24 16:54:32 +08:00
// Author: Daniele Giardini - http://www.demigiant.com
// Created: 2015/03/12 16:03
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using DG.DemiEditor ;
using DG.DOTweenEditor.Core ;
using DG.DOTweenEditor.UI ;
using DG.Tweening ;
using DG.Tweening.Core ;
using UnityEditor ;
using UnityEngine ;
using DOTweenSettings = DG . Tweening . Core . DOTweenSettings ;
#if true // UI_MARKER
using UnityEngine.UI ;
using TMPro ;
namespace DG.DOTweenEditor
public class DOTweenAnimationInspector : ABSAnimationInspector
enum FadeTargetType
CanvasGroup ,
enum ChooseTargetMode
None ,
static readonly Dictionary < DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType , Type [ ] > _AnimationTypeToComponent = new Dictionary < DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType , Type [ ] > ( ) {
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Move , new [ ] {
#if true // PHYSICS_MARKER
typeof ( Rigidbody ) ,
#if true // PHYSICS2D_MARKER
typeof ( Rigidbody2D ) ,
#if true // UI_MARKER
typeof ( RectTransform ) ,
typeof ( Transform )
} } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Rotate , new [ ] {
#if true // PHYSICS_MARKER
typeof ( Rigidbody ) ,
#if true // PHYSICS2D_MARKER
typeof ( Rigidbody2D ) ,
typeof ( Transform )
} } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . LocalMove , new [ ] { typeof ( Transform ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . LocalRotate , new [ ] { typeof ( Transform ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Scale , new [ ] { typeof ( Transform ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Color , new [ ] {
typeof ( Light ) ,
#if true // SPRITE_MARKER
typeof ( SpriteRenderer ) ,
#if true // UI_MARKER
2024-11-21 09:35:48 +08:00
typeof ( Image ) , typeof ( Text ) , typeof ( RawImage ) , typeof ( Graphic ) ,
2024-10-24 16:54:32 +08:00
typeof ( Renderer ) ,
} } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Fade , new [ ] {
typeof ( Light ) ,
#if true // SPRITE_MARKER
typeof ( SpriteRenderer ) ,
#if true // UI_MARKER
2024-11-21 09:35:48 +08:00
typeof ( Image ) , typeof ( Text ) , typeof ( CanvasGroup ) , typeof ( RawImage ) , typeof ( Graphic ) ,
2024-10-24 16:54:32 +08:00
typeof ( Renderer ) ,
} } ,
#if true // UI_MARKER
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Text , new [ ] { typeof ( Text ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchPosition , new [ ] {
#if true // UI_MARKER
typeof ( RectTransform ) ,
typeof ( Transform )
} } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchRotation , new [ ] { typeof ( Transform ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchScale , new [ ] { typeof ( Transform ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakePosition , new [ ] {
#if true // UI_MARKER
typeof ( RectTransform ) ,
typeof ( Transform )
} } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakeRotation , new [ ] { typeof ( Transform ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakeScale , new [ ] { typeof ( Transform ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraAspect , new [ ] { typeof ( Camera ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraBackgroundColor , new [ ] { typeof ( Camera ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraFieldOfView , new [ ] { typeof ( Camera ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraOrthoSize , new [ ] { typeof ( Camera ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraPixelRect , new [ ] { typeof ( Camera ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraRect , new [ ] { typeof ( Camera ) } } ,
#if true // UI_MARKER
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . UIWidthHeight , new [ ] { typeof ( RectTransform ) } } ,
} ;
#if false // TK2D_MARKER
static readonly Dictionary < DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType , Type [ ] > _Tk2dAnimationTypeToComponent = new Dictionary < DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType , Type [ ] > ( ) {
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Scale , new [ ] { typeof ( tk2dBaseSprite ) , typeof ( tk2dTextMesh ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Color , new [ ] { typeof ( tk2dBaseSprite ) , typeof ( tk2dTextMesh ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Fade , new [ ] { typeof ( tk2dBaseSprite ) , typeof ( tk2dTextMesh ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Text , new [ ] { typeof ( tk2dTextMesh ) } }
} ;
static readonly Dictionary < DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType , Type [ ] > _TMPAnimationTypeToComponent = new Dictionary < DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType , Type [ ] > ( ) {
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Color , new [ ] { typeof ( TextMeshPro ) , typeof ( TextMeshProUGUI ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Fade , new [ ] { typeof ( TextMeshPro ) , typeof ( TextMeshProUGUI ) } } ,
{ DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Text , new [ ] { typeof ( TextMeshPro ) , typeof ( TextMeshProUGUI ) } }
} ;
static readonly string [ ] _AnimationType = new [ ] {
"None" ,
"Move" , "LocalMove" ,
"Rotate" , "LocalRotate" ,
"Scale" ,
"Color" , "Fade" ,
#if true // UI_MARKER
"Text" ,
#if false // TK2D_MARKER
"Text" ,
"Text" ,
#if true // UI_MARKER
"UIWidthHeight" ,
"Punch/Position" , "Punch/Rotation" , "Punch/Scale" ,
"Shake/Position" , "Shake/Rotation" , "Shake/Scale" ,
"Camera/Aspect" , "Camera/BackgroundColor" , "Camera/FieldOfView" , "Camera/OrthoSize" , "Camera/PixelRect" , "Camera/Rect"
} ;
static string [ ] _animationTypeNoSlashes ; // _AnimationType list without slashes in values
static string [ ] _datString ; // String representation of DOTweenAnimation enum (here for caching reasons)
DOTweenAnimation _src ;
DOTweenSettings _settings ;
bool _runtimeEditMode ; // If TRUE allows to change and save stuff at runtime
bool _refreshRequired ; // If TRUE refreshes components data
int _totComponentsOnSrc ; // Used to determine if a Component is added or removed from the source
bool _isLightSrc ; // Used to determine if we're tweening a Light, to set the max Fade value to more than 1
#pragma warning disable 414
ChooseTargetMode _chooseTargetMode = ChooseTargetMode . None ;
#pragma warning restore 414
static readonly GUIContent _GuiC_selfTarget_true = new GUIContent (
"SELF" , "Will animate components on this gameObject"
) ;
static readonly GUIContent _GuiC_selfTarget_false = new GUIContent (
"OTHER" , "Will animate components on the given gameObject instead than on this one"
) ;
static readonly GUIContent _GuiC_tweenTargetIsTargetGO_true = new GUIContent (
"Use As Tween Target" , "Will set the tween target (via SetTarget, used to control a tween directly from a target) to the \"OTHER\" gameObject"
) ;
static readonly GUIContent _GuiC_tweenTargetIsTargetGO_false = new GUIContent (
"Use As Tween Target" , "Will set the tween target (via SetTarget, used to control a tween directly from a target) to the gameObject containing this animation, not the \"OTHER\" one"
) ;
#region MonoBehaviour Methods
void OnEnable ( )
_src = target as DOTweenAnimation ;
_settings = DOTweenUtilityWindow . GetDOTweenSettings ( ) ;
onStartProperty = base . serializedObject . FindProperty ( "onStart" ) ;
onPlayProperty = base . serializedObject . FindProperty ( "onPlay" ) ;
onUpdateProperty = base . serializedObject . FindProperty ( "onUpdate" ) ;
onStepCompleteProperty = base . serializedObject . FindProperty ( "onStepComplete" ) ;
onCompleteProperty = base . serializedObject . FindProperty ( "onComplete" ) ;
onRewindProperty = base . serializedObject . FindProperty ( "onRewind" ) ;
onTweenCreatedProperty = base . serializedObject . FindProperty ( "onTweenCreated" ) ;
// Convert _AnimationType to _animationTypeNoSlashes
int len = _AnimationType . Length ;
_animationTypeNoSlashes = new string [ len ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; + + i ) {
string a = _AnimationType [ i ] ;
a = a . Replace ( "/" , "" ) ;
_animationTypeNoSlashes [ i ] = a ;
void OnDisable ( )
DOTweenPreviewManager . StopAllPreviews ( ) ;
override public void OnInspectorGUI ( )
base . OnInspectorGUI ( ) ;
GUILayout . Space ( 3 ) ;
EditorGUIUtils . SetGUIStyles ( ) ;
bool playMode = Application . isPlaying ;
_runtimeEditMode = _runtimeEditMode & & playMode ;
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUIUtils . InspectorLogo ( ) ;
GUILayout . Label ( _src . animationType . ToString ( ) + ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( _src . id ) ? "" : " [" + _src . id + "]" ) , EditorGUIUtils . sideLogoIconBoldLabelStyle ) ;
// Up-down buttons
GUILayout . FlexibleSpace ( ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "▲" , DeGUI . styles . button . toolIco ) ) UnityEditorInternal . ComponentUtility . MoveComponentUp ( _src ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "▼" , DeGUI . styles . button . toolIco ) ) UnityEditorInternal . ComponentUtility . MoveComponentDown ( _src ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
if ( playMode ) {
if ( _runtimeEditMode ) {
} else {
GUILayout . Space ( 8 ) ;
GUILayout . Label ( "Animation Editor disabled while in play mode" , EditorGUIUtils . wordWrapLabelStyle ) ;
if ( ! _src . isActive ) {
GUILayout . Label ( "This animation has been toggled as inactive and won't be generated" , EditorGUIUtils . wordWrapLabelStyle ) ;
GUI . enabled = false ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( new GUIContent ( "Activate Edit Mode" , "Switches to Runtime Edit Mode, where you can change animations values and restart them" ) ) ) {
_runtimeEditMode = true ;
GUILayout . Label ( "NOTE: when using DOPlayNext, the sequence is determined by the DOTweenAnimation Components order in the target GameObject's Inspector" , EditorGUIUtils . wordWrapLabelStyle ) ;
GUILayout . Space ( 10 ) ;
if ( ! _runtimeEditMode ) return ;
Undo . RecordObject ( _src , "DOTween Animation" ) ;
Undo . RecordObject ( _settings , "DOTween Animation" ) ;
// _src.isValid = Validate(); // Moved down
EditorGUIUtility . labelWidth = 110 ;
if ( playMode ) {
GUILayout . Space ( 4 ) ;
DeGUILayout . Toolbar ( "Edit Mode Commands" ) ;
DeGUILayout . BeginVBox ( DeGUI . styles . box . stickyTop ) ;
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "TogglePause" ) ) _src . tween . TogglePause ( ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "Rewind" ) ) _src . tween . Rewind ( ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "Restart" ) ) _src . tween . Restart ( ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "Commit changes and restart" ) ) {
_src . tween . Rewind ( ) ;
_src . tween . Kill ( ) ;
if ( _src . isValid ) {
_src . CreateTween ( ) ;
_src . tween . Play ( ) ;
GUILayout . Label ( "To apply your changes when exiting Play mode, use the Component's upper right menu and choose \"Copy Component\", then \"Paste Component Values\" after exiting Play mode" , DeGUI . styles . label . wordwrap ) ;
DeGUILayout . EndVBox ( ) ;
} else {
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
bool hasManager = _src . GetComponent < DOTweenVisualManager > ( ) ! = null ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
_settings . showPreviewPanel = hasManager
? DeGUILayout . ToggleButton ( _settings . showPreviewPanel , "Preview Controls" , styles . custom . inlineToggle )
: DeGUILayout . ToggleButton ( _settings . showPreviewPanel , "Preview Controls" , styles . custom . inlineToggle , GUILayout . Width ( 120 ) ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) ) {
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( _settings ) ;
DOTweenPreviewManager . StopAllPreviews ( ) ;
if ( ! hasManager ) {
if ( GUILayout . Button ( new GUIContent ( "Add Manager" , "Adds a manager component which allows you to choose additional options for this gameObject" ) ) ) {
_src . gameObject . AddComponent < DOTweenVisualManager > ( ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
// Preview in editor
bool isPreviewing = _settings . showPreviewPanel ? DOTweenPreviewManager . PreviewGUI ( _src ) : false ;
EditorGUI . BeginDisabledGroup ( isPreviewing ) ;
// Choose target
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
_src . isActive = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( new GUIContent ( "" , "If unchecked, this animation will not be created" ) , _src . isActive , GUILayout . Width ( 14 ) ) ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
_src . targetIsSelf = DeGUILayout . ToggleButton (
_src . targetIsSelf , _src . targetIsSelf ? _GuiC_selfTarget_true : _GuiC_selfTarget_false ,
new Color ( 1f , 0.78f , 0f ) , DeGUI . colors . bg . toggleOn , new Color ( 0.33f , 0.14f , 0.02f ) , DeGUI . colors . content . toggleOn ,
null , GUILayout . Width ( 47 )
) ;
bool innerChanged = EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) ;
if ( innerChanged ) {
_src . targetGO = null ;
GUI . changed = true ;
if ( _src . targetIsSelf ) GUILayout . Label ( _GuiC_selfTarget_true . tooltip ) ;
else {
using ( new DeGUI . ColorScope ( null , null , _src . targetGO = = null ? Color . red : Color . white ) ) {
_src . targetGO = ( GameObject ) EditorGUILayout . ObjectField ( _src . targetGO , typeof ( GameObject ) , true ) ;
_src . tweenTargetIsTargetGO = DeGUILayout . ToggleButton (
_src . tweenTargetIsTargetGO , _src . tweenTargetIsTargetGO ? _GuiC_tweenTargetIsTargetGO_true : _GuiC_tweenTargetIsTargetGO_false ,
GUILayout . Width ( 131 )
) ;
bool check = EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) ;
if ( check ) _refreshRequired = true ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
GameObject targetGO = _src . targetIsSelf ? _src . gameObject : _src . targetGO ;
if ( targetGO = = null ) {
// Uses external target gameObject but it's not set
if ( _src . targetGO ! = null | | _src . target ! = null ) {
_src . targetGO = null ;
_src . target = null ;
GUI . changed = true ;
} else {
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType prevAnimType = _src . animationType ;
// _src.animationType = (DOTweenAnimation.AnimationType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(_src.animationType, EditorGUIUtils.popupButton);
GUI . enabled = GUI . enabled & & _src . isActive ;
_src . animationType = AnimationToDOTweenAnimationType ( _AnimationType [ EditorGUILayout . Popup ( DOTweenAnimationTypeToPopupId ( _src . animationType ) , _AnimationType ) ] ) ;
2024-11-21 09:35:48 +08:00
_src . autoGenerate = DeGUILayout . ToggleButton ( _src . autoGenerate , new GUIContent ( "AutoGenerate" , "If selected, the tween will be generated at startup (during Start for RectTransform position tween, Awake for all the others)" ) ) ;
if ( _src . autoGenerate ) {
_src . autoPlay = DeGUILayout . ToggleButton ( _src . autoPlay , new GUIContent ( "AutoPlay" , "If selected, the tween will play automatically" ) ) ;
2024-10-24 16:54:32 +08:00
_src . autoKill = DeGUILayout . ToggleButton ( _src . autoKill , new GUIContent ( "AutoKill" , "If selected, the tween will be killed when it completes, and won't be reusable" ) ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
if ( prevAnimType ! = _src . animationType ) {
// Set default optional values based on animation type
_src . endValueTransform = null ;
_src . useTargetAsV3 = false ;
switch ( _src . animationType ) {
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Move :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . LocalMove :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Rotate :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . LocalRotate :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Scale :
_src . endValueV3 = Vector3 . zero ;
_src . endValueFloat = 0 ;
_src . optionalBool0 = _src . animationType = = DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Scale ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . UIWidthHeight :
_src . endValueV3 = Vector3 . zero ;
_src . endValueFloat = 0 ;
_src . optionalBool0 = _src . animationType = = DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . UIWidthHeight ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Color :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Fade :
_isLightSrc = targetGO . GetComponent < Light > ( ) ! = null ;
_src . endValueFloat = 0 ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Text :
_src . optionalBool0 = true ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchPosition :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchRotation :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchScale :
_src . endValueV3 = _src . animationType = = DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchRotation ? new Vector3 ( 0 , 180 , 0 ) : Vector3 . one ;
_src . optionalFloat0 = 1 ;
_src . optionalInt0 = 10 ;
_src . optionalBool0 = false ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakePosition :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakeRotation :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakeScale :
_src . endValueV3 = _src . animationType = = DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakeRotation ? new Vector3 ( 90 , 90 , 90 ) : Vector3 . one ;
_src . optionalInt0 = 10 ;
_src . optionalFloat0 = 90 ;
_src . optionalBool0 = false ;
2024-11-21 09:35:48 +08:00
_src . optionalBool1 = true ;
2024-10-24 16:54:32 +08:00
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraAspect :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraFieldOfView :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraOrthoSize :
_src . endValueFloat = 0 ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraPixelRect :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraRect :
_src . endValueRect = new Rect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
break ;
if ( _src . animationType = = DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . None ) {
_src . isValid = false ;
if ( GUI . changed ) EditorUtility . SetDirty ( _src ) ;
return ;
if ( _refreshRequired | | prevAnimType ! = _src . animationType | | ComponentsChanged ( ) ) {
_refreshRequired = false ;
_src . isValid = Validate ( targetGO ) ;
// See if we need to choose between multiple targets
#if true // UI_MARKER
if ( _src . animationType = = DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Fade & & targetGO . GetComponent < CanvasGroup > ( ) ! = null & & targetGO . GetComponent < Image > ( ) ! = null ) {
_chooseTargetMode = ChooseTargetMode . BetweenCanvasGroupAndImage ;
// Reassign target and forcedTargetType if lost
if ( _src . forcedTargetType = = DOTweenAnimation . TargetType . Unset ) _src . forcedTargetType = _src . targetType ;
switch ( _src . forcedTargetType ) {
case DOTweenAnimation . TargetType . CanvasGroup :
_src . target = targetGO . GetComponent < CanvasGroup > ( ) ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . TargetType . Image :
_src . target = targetGO . GetComponent < Image > ( ) ;
break ;
} else {
_chooseTargetMode = ChooseTargetMode . None ;
_src . forcedTargetType = DOTweenAnimation . TargetType . Unset ;
#if true // UI_MARKER
if ( ! _src . isValid ) {
GUI . color = Color . red ;
GUILayout . BeginVertical ( GUI . skin . box ) ;
GUILayout . Label ( "No valid Component was found for the selected animation" , EditorGUIUtils . wordWrapLabelStyle ) ;
GUILayout . EndVertical ( ) ;
GUI . color = Color . white ;
if ( GUI . changed ) EditorUtility . SetDirty ( _src ) ;
return ;
#if true // UI_MARKER
// Special cases in which multiple target types could be used (set after validation)
if ( _chooseTargetMode = = ChooseTargetMode . BetweenCanvasGroupAndImage & & _src . forcedTargetType ! = DOTweenAnimation . TargetType . Unset ) {
FadeTargetType fadeTargetType = ( FadeTargetType ) Enum . Parse ( typeof ( FadeTargetType ) , _src . forcedTargetType . ToString ( ) ) ;
DOTweenAnimation . TargetType prevTargetType = _src . forcedTargetType ;
_src . forcedTargetType = ( DOTweenAnimation . TargetType ) Enum . Parse ( typeof ( DOTweenAnimation . TargetType ) , EditorGUILayout . EnumPopup ( _src . animationType + " Target" , fadeTargetType ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( _src . forcedTargetType ! = prevTargetType ) {
// Target type change > assign correct target
switch ( _src . forcedTargetType ) {
case DOTweenAnimation . TargetType . CanvasGroup :
_src . target = targetGO . GetComponent < CanvasGroup > ( ) ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . TargetType . Image :
_src . target = targetGO . GetComponent < Image > ( ) ;
break ;
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
_src . duration = EditorGUILayout . FloatField ( "Duration" , _src . duration ) ;
if ( _src . duration < 0 ) _src . duration = 0 ;
_src . isSpeedBased = DeGUILayout . ToggleButton ( _src . isSpeedBased , new GUIContent ( "SpeedBased" , "If selected, the duration will count as units/degree x second" ) , DeGUI . styles . button . tool , GUILayout . Width ( 75 ) ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
_src . delay = EditorGUILayout . FloatField ( "Delay" , _src . delay ) ;
if ( _src . delay < 0 ) _src . delay = 0 ;
_src . isIndependentUpdate = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( "Ignore TimeScale" , _src . isIndependentUpdate ) ;
_src . easeType = EditorGUIUtils . FilteredEasePopup ( "Ease" , _src . easeType ) ;
if ( _src . easeType = = Ease . INTERNAL_Custom ) {
_src . easeCurve = EditorGUILayout . CurveField ( " Ease Curve" , _src . easeCurve ) ;
_src . loops = EditorGUILayout . IntField ( new GUIContent ( "Loops" , "Set to -1 for infinite loops" ) , _src . loops ) ;
if ( _src . loops < - 1 ) _src . loops = - 1 ;
if ( _src . loops > 1 | | _src . loops = = - 1 )
_src . loopType = ( LoopType ) EditorGUILayout . EnumPopup ( " Loop Type" , _src . loopType ) ;
_src . id = EditorGUILayout . TextField ( "ID" , _src . id ) ;
bool canBeRelative = true ;
// End value and eventual specific options
switch ( _src . animationType ) {
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Move :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . LocalMove :
GUIEndValueV3 ( targetGO , _src . animationType = = DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Move ) ;
_src . optionalBool0 = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( " Snapping" , _src . optionalBool0 ) ;
canBeRelative = ! _src . useTargetAsV3 ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Rotate :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . LocalRotate :
bool isRigidbody2D = DOTweenModuleUtils . Physics . HasRigidbody2D ( _src ) ;
if ( isRigidbody2D ) GUIEndValueFloat ( ) ;
else {
GUIEndValueV3 ( targetGO ) ;
_src . optionalRotationMode = ( RotateMode ) EditorGUILayout . EnumPopup ( " Rotation Mode" , _src . optionalRotationMode ) ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Scale :
if ( _src . optionalBool0 ) GUIEndValueFloat ( ) ;
else GUIEndValueV3 ( targetGO ) ;
_src . optionalBool0 = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( "Uniform Scale" , _src . optionalBool0 ) ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . UIWidthHeight :
if ( _src . optionalBool0 ) GUIEndValueFloat ( ) ;
else GUIEndValueV2 ( ) ;
_src . optionalBool0 = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( "Uniform Scale" , _src . optionalBool0 ) ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Color :
GUIEndValueColor ( ) ;
canBeRelative = false ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Fade :
GUIEndValueFloat ( ) ;
if ( _src . endValueFloat < 0 ) _src . endValueFloat = 0 ;
if ( ! _isLightSrc & & _src . endValueFloat > 1 ) _src . endValueFloat = 1 ;
canBeRelative = false ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . Text :
GUIEndValueString ( ) ;
_src . optionalBool0 = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( "Rich Text Enabled" , _src . optionalBool0 ) ;
_src . optionalScrambleMode = ( ScrambleMode ) EditorGUILayout . EnumPopup ( "Scramble Mode" , _src . optionalScrambleMode ) ;
_src . optionalString = EditorGUILayout . TextField ( new GUIContent ( "Custom Scramble" , "Custom characters to use in case of ScrambleMode.Custom" ) , _src . optionalString ) ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchPosition :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchRotation :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchScale :
GUIEndValueV3 ( targetGO ) ;
canBeRelative = false ;
_src . optionalInt0 = EditorGUILayout . IntSlider ( new GUIContent ( " Vibrato" , "How much will the punch vibrate" ) , _src . optionalInt0 , 1 , 50 ) ;
_src . optionalFloat0 = EditorGUILayout . Slider ( new GUIContent ( " Elasticity" , "How much the vector will go beyond the starting position when bouncing backwards" ) , _src . optionalFloat0 , 0 , 1 ) ;
if ( _src . animationType = = DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . PunchPosition ) _src . optionalBool0 = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( " Snapping" , _src . optionalBool0 ) ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakePosition :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakeRotation :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakeScale :
GUIEndValueV3 ( targetGO ) ;
canBeRelative = false ;
_src . optionalInt0 = EditorGUILayout . IntSlider ( new GUIContent ( " Vibrato" , "How much will the shake vibrate" ) , _src . optionalInt0 , 1 , 50 ) ;
_src . optionalFloat0 = EditorGUILayout . Slider ( new GUIContent ( " Randomness" , "The shake randomness" ) , _src . optionalFloat0 , 0 , 90 ) ;
2024-11-21 09:35:48 +08:00
_src . optionalBool1 = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( new GUIContent ( " FadeOut" , "If selected the shake will fade out, otherwise it will constantly play with full force" ) , _src . optionalBool1 ) ;
2024-10-24 16:54:32 +08:00
if ( _src . animationType = = DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . ShakePosition ) _src . optionalBool0 = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( " Snapping" , _src . optionalBool0 ) ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraAspect :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraFieldOfView :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraOrthoSize :
GUIEndValueFloat ( ) ;
canBeRelative = false ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraBackgroundColor :
GUIEndValueColor ( ) ;
canBeRelative = false ;
break ;
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraPixelRect :
case DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . CameraRect :
GUIEndValueRect ( ) ;
canBeRelative = false ;
break ;
// Final settings
if ( canBeRelative ) _src . isRelative = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( " Relative" , _src . isRelative ) ;
// Events
AnimationInspectorGUI . AnimationEvents ( this , _src ) ;
EditorGUI . EndDisabledGroup ( ) ;
if ( GUI . changed ) EditorUtility . SetDirty ( _src ) ;
#region Methods
// Returns TRUE if the Component layout on the src gameObject changed (a Component was added or removed)
bool ComponentsChanged ( )
int prevTotComponentsOnSrc = _totComponentsOnSrc ;
_totComponentsOnSrc = _src . gameObject . GetComponents < Component > ( ) . Length ;
return prevTotComponentsOnSrc ! = _totComponentsOnSrc ;
// Checks if a Component that can be animated with the given animationType is attached to the src
bool Validate ( GameObject targetGO )
if ( _src . animationType = = DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType . None ) return false ;
Component srcTarget ;
// First check for external plugins
#if false // TK2D_MARKER
if ( _Tk2dAnimationTypeToComponent . ContainsKey ( _src . animationType ) ) {
foreach ( Type t in _Tk2dAnimationTypeToComponent [ _src . animationType ] ) {
srcTarget = targetGO . GetComponent ( t ) ;
if ( srcTarget ! = null ) {
_src . target = srcTarget ;
_src . targetType = DOTweenAnimation . TypeToDOTargetType ( t ) ;
return true ;
if ( _TMPAnimationTypeToComponent . ContainsKey ( _src . animationType ) ) {
foreach ( Type t in _TMPAnimationTypeToComponent [ _src . animationType ] ) {
srcTarget = targetGO . GetComponent ( t ) ;
if ( srcTarget ! = null ) {
_src . target = srcTarget ;
_src . targetType = DOTweenAnimation . TypeToDOTargetType ( t ) ;
return true ;
// Then check for regular stuff
if ( _AnimationTypeToComponent . ContainsKey ( _src . animationType ) ) {
foreach ( Type t in _AnimationTypeToComponent [ _src . animationType ] ) {
srcTarget = targetGO . GetComponent ( t ) ;
if ( srcTarget ! = null ) {
_src . target = srcTarget ;
_src . targetType = DOTweenAnimation . TypeToDOTargetType ( t ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType AnimationToDOTweenAnimationType ( string animation )
if ( _datString = = null ) _datString = Enum . GetNames ( typeof ( DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType ) ) ;
animation = animation . Replace ( "/" , "" ) ;
return ( DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType ) ( Array . IndexOf ( _datString , animation ) ) ;
int DOTweenAnimationTypeToPopupId ( DOTweenAnimation . AnimationType animation )
return Array . IndexOf ( _animationTypeNoSlashes , animation . ToString ( ) ) ;
#region GUI Draw Methods
void GUIEndValueFloat ( )
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
GUIToFromButton ( ) ;
_src . endValueFloat = EditorGUILayout . FloatField ( _src . endValueFloat ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
void GUIEndValueColor ( )
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
GUIToFromButton ( ) ;
_src . endValueColor = EditorGUILayout . ColorField ( _src . endValueColor ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
void GUIEndValueV3 ( GameObject targetGO , bool optionalTransform = false )
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
GUIToFromButton ( ) ;
if ( _src . useTargetAsV3 ) {
Transform prevT = _src . endValueTransform ;
_src . endValueTransform = EditorGUILayout . ObjectField ( _src . endValueTransform , typeof ( Transform ) , true ) as Transform ;
if ( _src . endValueTransform ! = prevT & & _src . endValueTransform ! = null ) {
#if true // UI_MARKER
// Check that it's a Transform for a Transform or a RectTransform for a RectTransform
if ( targetGO . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) ! = null ) {
if ( _src . endValueTransform . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) = = null ) {
EditorUtility . DisplayDialog ( "DOTween Pro" , "For Unity UI elements, the target must also be a UI element" , "Ok" ) ;
_src . endValueTransform = null ;
} else if ( _src . endValueTransform . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) ! = null ) {
EditorUtility . DisplayDialog ( "DOTween Pro" , "You can't use a UI target for a non UI object" , "Ok" ) ;
_src . endValueTransform = null ;
} else {
_src . endValueV3 = EditorGUILayout . Vector3Field ( "" , _src . endValueV3 , GUILayout . Height ( 16 ) ) ;
if ( optionalTransform ) {
if ( GUILayout . Button ( _src . useTargetAsV3 ? "target" : "value" , EditorGUIUtils . sideBtStyle , GUILayout . Width ( 44 ) ) ) _src . useTargetAsV3 = ! _src . useTargetAsV3 ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
#if true // UI_MARKER
if ( _src . useTargetAsV3 & & _src . endValueTransform ! = null & & _src . target is RectTransform ) {
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "NOTE: when using a UI target, the tween will be created during Start instead of Awake" , MessageType . Info ) ;
void GUIEndValueV2 ( )
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
GUIToFromButton ( ) ;
_src . endValueV2 = EditorGUILayout . Vector2Field ( "" , _src . endValueV2 , GUILayout . Height ( 16 ) ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
void GUIEndValueString ( )
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
GUIToFromButton ( ) ;
_src . endValueString = EditorGUILayout . TextArea ( _src . endValueString , EditorGUIUtils . wordWrapTextArea ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
void GUIEndValueRect ( )
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
GUIToFromButton ( ) ;
_src . endValueRect = EditorGUILayout . RectField ( _src . endValueRect ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
void GUIToFromButton ( )
if ( GUILayout . Button ( _src . isFrom ? "FROM" : "TO" , EditorGUIUtils . sideBtStyle , GUILayout . Width ( 90 ) ) ) _src . isFrom = ! _src . isFrom ;
GUILayout . Space ( 16 ) ;
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// ███ INTERNAL CLASSES ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
// █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
static class Initializer
static Initializer ( )
DOTweenAnimation . OnReset + = OnReset ;
static void OnReset ( DOTweenAnimation src )
DOTweenSettings settings = DOTweenUtilityWindow . GetDOTweenSettings ( ) ;
if ( settings = = null ) return ;
Undo . RecordObject ( src , "DOTweenAnimation" ) ;
src . autoPlay = settings . defaultAutoPlay = = AutoPlay . All | | settings . defaultAutoPlay = = AutoPlay . AutoPlayTweeners ;
src . autoKill = settings . defaultAutoKill ;
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( src ) ;