/****************************************************************************** * Spine Runtimes License Agreement * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions. * * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC * * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement: * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license * * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively, * "Products"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must * include this license and copyright notice. * * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *****************************************************************************/ using Spine; using Spine.Unity; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Spine.Unity.Examples { public class SpineboyFootplanter : MonoBehaviour { public float timeScale = 0.5f; [SpineBone] public string nearBoneName, farBoneName; [Header("Settings")] public Vector2 footSize; public float footRayRaise = 2f; public float comfyDistance = 1f; public float centerOfGravityXOffset = -0.25f; public float feetTooFarApartThreshold = 3f; public float offBalanceThreshold = 1.4f; public float minimumSpaceBetweenFeet = 0.5f; public float maxNewStepDisplacement = 2f; public float shuffleDistance = 1f; public float baseLerpSpeed = 3.5f; public FootMovement forward, backward; [Header("Debug")] [SerializeField] float balance; [SerializeField] float distanceBetweenFeet; [SerializeField] protected Foot nearFoot, farFoot; Skeleton skeleton; Bone nearFootBone, farFootBone; [System.Serializable] public class FootMovement { public AnimationCurve xMoveCurve; public AnimationCurve raiseCurve; public float maxRaise; public float minDistanceCompensate; public float maxDistanceCompensate; } [System.Serializable] public class Foot { public Vector2 worldPos; public float displacementFromCenter; public float distanceFromCenter; [Space] public float lerp; public Vector2 worldPosPrev; public Vector2 worldPosNext; public bool IsStepInProgress { get { return lerp < 1f; } } public bool IsPrettyMuchDoneStepping { get { return lerp > 0.7f; } } public void UpdateDistance (float centerOfGravityX) { displacementFromCenter = worldPos.x - centerOfGravityX; distanceFromCenter = Mathf.Abs(displacementFromCenter); } public void StartNewStep (float newDistance, float centerOfGravityX, float tentativeY, float footRayRaise, RaycastHit2D[] hits, Vector2 footSize) { lerp = 0f; worldPosPrev = worldPos; float newX = centerOfGravityX - newDistance; Vector2 origin = new Vector2(newX, tentativeY + footRayRaise); //int hitCount = Physics2D.BoxCastNonAlloc(origin, footSize, 0f, Vector2.down, hits); int hitCount = Physics2D.BoxCast(origin, footSize, 0f, Vector2.down, new ContactFilter2D { useTriggers = false }, hits); worldPosNext = hitCount > 0 ? hits[0].point : new Vector2(newX, tentativeY); } public void UpdateStepProgress (float deltaTime, float stepSpeed, float shuffleDistance, FootMovement forwardMovement, FootMovement backwardMovement) { if (!this.IsStepInProgress) return; lerp += deltaTime * stepSpeed; float strideSignedSize = worldPosNext.x - worldPosPrev.x; float strideSign = Mathf.Sign(strideSignedSize); float strideSize = (Mathf.Abs(strideSignedSize)); FootMovement movement = strideSign > 0 ? forwardMovement : backwardMovement; worldPos.x = Mathf.Lerp(worldPosPrev.x, worldPosNext.x, movement.xMoveCurve.Evaluate(lerp)); float groundLevel = Mathf.Lerp(worldPosPrev.y, worldPosNext.y, lerp); if (strideSize > shuffleDistance) { float strideSizeFootRaise = Mathf.Clamp((strideSize * 0.5f), 1f, 2f); worldPos.y = groundLevel + (movement.raiseCurve.Evaluate(lerp) * movement.maxRaise * strideSizeFootRaise); } else { lerp += Time.deltaTime; worldPos.y = groundLevel; } if (lerp > 1f) lerp = 1f; } public static float GetNewDisplacement (float otherLegDisplacementFromCenter, float comfyDistance, float minimumFootDistanceX, float maxNewStepDisplacement, FootMovement forwardMovement, FootMovement backwardMovement) { FootMovement movement = Mathf.Sign(otherLegDisplacementFromCenter) < 0 ? forwardMovement : backwardMovement; float randomCompensate = Random.Range(movement.minDistanceCompensate, movement.maxDistanceCompensate); float newDisplacement = (otherLegDisplacementFromCenter * randomCompensate); if (Mathf.Abs(newDisplacement) > maxNewStepDisplacement || Mathf.Abs(otherLegDisplacementFromCenter) < minimumFootDistanceX) newDisplacement = comfyDistance * Mathf.Sign(newDisplacement) * randomCompensate; return newDisplacement; } } public float Balance { get { return balance; } } void Start () { Time.timeScale = timeScale; Vector3 tpos = transform.position; // Default starting positions. nearFoot.worldPos = tpos; nearFoot.worldPos.x -= comfyDistance; nearFoot.worldPosPrev = nearFoot.worldPosNext = nearFoot.worldPos; farFoot.worldPos = tpos; farFoot.worldPos.x += comfyDistance; farFoot.worldPosPrev = farFoot.worldPosNext = farFoot.worldPos; SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation = GetComponent(); skeleton = skeletonAnimation.Skeleton; skeletonAnimation.UpdateLocal += UpdateLocal; nearFootBone = skeleton.FindBone(nearBoneName); farFootBone = skeleton.FindBone(farBoneName); nearFoot.lerp = 1f; farFoot.lerp = 1f; } RaycastHit2D[] hits = new RaycastHit2D[1]; private void UpdateLocal (ISkeletonAnimation animated) { Transform thisTransform = transform; Vector2 thisTransformPosition = thisTransform.position; float centerOfGravityX = thisTransformPosition.x + centerOfGravityXOffset; nearFoot.UpdateDistance(centerOfGravityX); farFoot.UpdateDistance(centerOfGravityX); balance = nearFoot.displacementFromCenter + farFoot.displacementFromCenter; distanceBetweenFeet = Mathf.Abs(nearFoot.worldPos.x - farFoot.worldPos.x); // Detect time to make a new step bool isTooOffBalance = Mathf.Abs(balance) > offBalanceThreshold; bool isFeetTooFarApart = distanceBetweenFeet > feetTooFarApartThreshold; bool timeForNewStep = isFeetTooFarApart || isTooOffBalance; if (timeForNewStep) { // Choose which foot to use for next step. Foot stepFoot, otherFoot; bool stepLegIsNearLeg = nearFoot.distanceFromCenter > farFoot.distanceFromCenter; if (stepLegIsNearLeg) { stepFoot = nearFoot; otherFoot = farFoot; } else { stepFoot = farFoot; otherFoot = nearFoot; } // Start a new step. if (!stepFoot.IsStepInProgress && otherFoot.IsPrettyMuchDoneStepping) { float newDisplacement = Foot.GetNewDisplacement(otherFoot.displacementFromCenter, comfyDistance, minimumSpaceBetweenFeet, maxNewStepDisplacement, forward, backward); stepFoot.StartNewStep(newDisplacement, centerOfGravityX, thisTransformPosition.y, footRayRaise, hits, footSize); } } float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime; float stepSpeed = baseLerpSpeed; stepSpeed += (Mathf.Abs(balance) - 0.6f) * 2.5f; // Animate steps that are in progress. nearFoot.UpdateStepProgress(deltaTime, stepSpeed, shuffleDistance, forward, backward); farFoot.UpdateStepProgress(deltaTime, stepSpeed, shuffleDistance, forward, backward); nearFootBone.SetLocalPosition(thisTransform.InverseTransformPoint(nearFoot.worldPos)); farFootBone.SetLocalPosition(thisTransform.InverseTransformPoint(farFoot.worldPos)); } void OnDrawGizmos () { if (Application.isPlaying) { const float Radius = 0.15f; Gizmos.color = Color.green; Gizmos.DrawSphere(nearFoot.worldPos, Radius); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(nearFoot.worldPosNext, Radius); Gizmos.color = Color.magenta; Gizmos.DrawSphere(farFoot.worldPos, Radius); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(farFoot.worldPosNext, Radius); } } } }