Class attribute
Sets the script execution order index
Sets the script execution order for this class
Script execution order index
Set when calling DeGUI.BeginGUI
Stores a color palette, which can be passed to default DeGUI layouts when calling DeGUI.BeginGUI
and changed at any time by calling DeGUI.ChangePalette
You can inherit from this class to create custom color palettes with more hColor options.
Converts a HEX color to a Unity Color and returns it
The HEX color, either with or without the initial # (accepts both regular and short format)
Global colors
Background colors
Editor background color
Content colors
Various Input utils
Returns a number key int if a number key was pressed in this frame, or -1 otherwise
Extend this to replicate Unity's Scope system with any Unity version.
Thanks to Dmitriy Yukhanov for pointing this out and creating an initial version.
Expand this class to create scopes.
public class VBoxScope : DeScope
public VBoxScope(GUIStyle style)
protected override void CloseScope()
using (new VBoxScope(myStyle) {
// Do something
Contains both free and pro skins color variations,
and automatically returns the correct one when converted to Color
Used by DeHierarchy
Returns a list of all items whose gameObject is NULL, or NULL if there's no missing gameObjects.
If the item exists sets it, otherwise first creates it and then sets it
If the item exists sets it, otherwise first creates it and then sets it
If the item exists sets it, otherwise first creates it and then sets it
Returns TRUE if the item existed and was removed.
Returns TRUE if the item existed and was changed.
Returns the customizedItem for the given gameObject, or NULL if none was found
Returns the color corresponding to the given
Must be univocal
Node position in editor GUI
Ids of all forward connected nodes. Length indicates how many forward connections are allowed.
Min length represents available connections from node.
A serializable struct including a min and a max int value
Min value
Max value
Creates a new Range
Returns a random value within this range (min/max included)
A serializable struct including a min and a max float value
Min value
Max value
Creates a new Range
Returns a random value within this range (min/max included)