// This code was generated by a tool.
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
using Luban;
using SimpleJSON;
namespace cfg.BlacksmithData
public sealed partial class WeaponData : Luban.BeanBase
public WeaponData(JSONNode _buf)
{ if(!_buf["ID"].IsNumber) { throw new SerializationException(); } ID = _buf["ID"]; }
{ if(!_buf["Name"].IsString) { throw new SerializationException(); } Name = _buf["Name"]; }
{ var __json0 = _buf["Include"]; if(!__json0.IsArray) { throw new SerializationException(); } Include = new System.Collections.Generic.List(__json0.Count); foreach(JSONNode __e0 in __json0.Children) { int __v0; { if(!__e0.IsNumber) { throw new SerializationException(); } __v0 = __e0; } Include.Add(__v0); } }
{ if(!_buf["Level"].IsNumber) { throw new SerializationException(); } Level = _buf["Level"]; }
{ if(!_buf["Levelmax"].IsNumber) { throw new SerializationException(); } Levelmax = _buf["Levelmax"]; }
{ if(!_buf["Levelup"].IsNumber) { throw new SerializationException(); } Levelup = _buf["Levelup"]; }
{ if(!_buf["Attack"].IsNumber) { throw new SerializationException(); } Attack = _buf["Attack"]; }
{ if(!_buf["HP"].IsNumber) { throw new SerializationException(); } HP = _buf["HP"]; }
{ if(!_buf["Attackskill"].IsNumber) { throw new SerializationException(); } Attackskill = _buf["Attackskill"]; }
{ if(!_buf["Icon"].IsString) { throw new SerializationException(); } Icon = _buf["Icon"]; }
{ if(!_buf["Describe"].IsString) { throw new SerializationException(); } Describe = _buf["Describe"]; }
public static WeaponData DeserializeWeaponData(JSONNode _buf)
return new BlacksmithData.WeaponData(_buf);
/// ID
public readonly int ID;
/// 名称
public readonly string Name;
/// 包含的武器名称
public readonly System.Collections.Generic.List Include;
/// 初始等级
public readonly int Level;
/// 最高等级
public readonly int Levelmax;
/// 升级调用ID
public readonly int Levelup;
/// 初始攻击
public readonly int Attack;
/// 初始血量
public readonly int HP;
/// 攻击调用技能ID
public readonly int Attackskill;
/// 界面图标名称
public readonly string Icon;
/// 培养界面内的描述
public readonly string Describe;
public const int __ID__ = 898518182;
public override int GetTypeId() => __ID__;
public void ResolveRef(Tables tables)
public override string ToString()
return "{ "
+ "ID:" + ID + ","
+ "Name:" + Name + ","
+ "Include:" + Luban.StringUtil.CollectionToString(Include) + ","
+ "Level:" + Level + ","
+ "Levelmax:" + Levelmax + ","
+ "Levelup:" + Levelup + ","
+ "Attack:" + Attack + ","
+ "HP:" + HP + ","
+ "Attackskill:" + Attackskill + ","
+ "Icon:" + Icon + ","
+ "Describe:" + Describe + ","
+ "}";